January 21st, 2009

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Julon Crion: Memory 5/7 Farscape

Julon Crion: Memory

By: Lopaka Tanu

Fandom: Farscape

Archive: Yes, just tell me where.

Disclaimer: I do not own Farscape.

E-mail: lopaka_tanu @ yahoo.com

Rating: R

Warnings: Violence, Character Death, Trans species, Angst mentions of Mpreg but none in it.

Beta: None so be warned.

Category: After 4:06 AU Slash and Het.

Coupling: John/OMN, John/Chiana, John/Nerri, TJohn/Aeryn, others.

9. Eavesdropping - whether accidentally or otherwise, your character
overhears part of a conversation... Whatever it is that your character
overhears... how will he react?

Author's Note: Spoilers for like a whole lot of the series, set directly after Promises, episode 4:05 and episode 4:06 only some biology facts about Nebari, John being able to predict wormholes, and D'argo as captain, the rest of that frelling episode does not exist. No matter what happens, this is not the last part in the series, there will be more.

Summary: In the wake of the most devestating events since the sacrifice of Talyn with his Captain, Bilar Crais, the remaining crew of Moya grieve for their lost friend and family. Believing the worst has happened, Chiana makes a decision on an offer Nerri has made. After this decision, the crew of Moya proceed with their plans toward Hynerian space. Peace Keeper territory; the Sebacean armies are preparing for war as the armadas of three other species line up on their borders. In the midst of all this chaos, a revelation is made that will rock the foundation of all that they have been lead to believe. On an alien world, a Nebari awakens. All events have a purpose, a meaning for being. All have been leading to a single moment in time, a second that will be remembered for mellinia, the death of John Crichton.

Key Words: Nebari, Slash, Hybrid, Royal Planet

Story Note: Each *** is in a different time. An example of this would be that what is happening with Crichton does not happen at the same time as with Chiana. They will not match up until the next part.

Lyrics: "Banks of Claudy" by Loreena McKennitt.

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[info]peja in [info]multi_fiction

What Frends Do

What friends do
Fandom: Stargate
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Written for the Prompt "Bed" on JackFic.
Characters: Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson
Portrayed by: Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks
Summary: Jack helps Daniel
Disclaimer: Stargate does not belong to me, no money made in this writing

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[info]peja in [info]multi_fiction

Oh, How I Wanna Go Home

Oh, How I Wanna Go Home

Fandom: Stargate
Characters: Jack O'Neill and the team
Portrayed by Richard Dean anderson and the rest
Written for the "bed" Prompt on jackfic...and I swear if this one still comes out in the red zone I'm gonna flush the prompt
Summary: bedding down isn't always pleasant
Note: this is being written in the 10-15 minutes I have before my daughter comes pick me up to do marathon shopping. Hopefully its gonna make some sense
Disclaimer: Don't own Stargate, don't get any money from writing this.

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[info]peja in [info]multi_fiction

Insulating Arms

Insulating Arms

Fandom: Sapphire And Steel
Pairing: Steel/Lead
Portrayed by David McCallum/Val Pringle. Sapphire portrayed by Joana Lumley
Spoilers for "Escape Through A Crack In Time
Summary: A missing scene from the first episode. Lead comes to Steel in a time of need
Warning: Hint of Mpreg
Note: After a year of looking for this series I finally found it thanks to Columbia House. wanted to spread my joy by gifting you all with a episode inspired fic. Hope you enjoy
Disclaimer: Sapphire And Steel does not belong to me. No profit made in the writing of the fanfic

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November 2015



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