December 8th, 2008

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Mutual Appreciation 1/1 Earth: Final Conflict

Mutual Appreciation

By: Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own E:FC.

Rating: General

Warnings: None

Summary: Why Zo'or really let Johnathan go.
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[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Weekly Promotion Challenge: Alles Was Zählt

Welcome to the first Weekly Fandom Promotion Challenge. This marks our first of hopefully many. What we are planning on doing is this: every Monday, we pick a different fandom, some times small and obscure, some times big and extremely well known; and promote it for an entire week. For the next seven days, we are hosting a drabble-a-thon where each entry is based around the chosen fandom. You will be given a set of seven daily prompts tailored to that fandom so you can write at least a 100 word drabble. There is no word limit, so by all means, go over if you like. Next Monday, we will start over with a new fandom.

So, without further adieu:

Fandom Name: Alles Was Zählt (A German Soap Opera)

Fandom Level: Adult Only.

Pairing: Enter our chosen pairing of Deniz and Roman. Purely for identification purposes: Deniz is the aggressive slammer/Roman is the affectionate slammee.

A Brief Description: )

Links Of Interest: The Eskimo Kiss Project created by fandom promoter [info]lilithilien, [info]sdk, and [info]aldiara.

Daily Prompts: )

Reward: All participants get this lovely DeRo: Wall Slams Are CANON! icon.

Jerry's Final Thought: Given the lack of good canon gay romance, DeRo may turn out to be a constantly good thing. We may have to watch them in German, but our promoter has given us access to some subtitled clips. Watch them and enjoy.

If you have stories about this week's theme, feel free to share with us. All stories should be posted to the asylum, not as a reply to this post. Just think of this post as a notice on a bulletin board.

If I screwed any of it up, comment and I will correct.

[info]sdk in [info]multi_fiction

Ficlet: The Same Old Song (AWZ, Roman, PG)

Title: The Same Old Song
Author: [info]sdk
Fandom: Alles Was Zählt
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Roman (references Deniz/Roman) with a guest appearance by Marian
Rating: General
Length/Word Count: Ficlet, 175 words
Summary: Roman doesn't care. Really. He doesn't.

Notes: This takes place directly after Roman and Deniz's argument in this clip from ep 529 and also references the conversation between Marian and Roman in this clip in ep 306 (and this probably won't make much sense unless you've seen at least that last clip). Written for the [info]multi_fiction weekly promotion challenge's Monday prompt: They are broken up, but feelings remain. Coffee is never just coffee in a relationship. Mood: Melancholy. Not quite sure I hit all of those things, but this is what came out. No one looked over this before posting, so please forgive and point out any typos/errors. Thanks!

Disclaimer: The following is based on fictional characters that I don't own doing fictional things in a fictional world that I didn't create. No copyright infringement intended, no money's being made.

( The Same Old Song -- Fake cut to my writing journal )

[info]lilithilien in [info]multi_fiction

Serious Business (AWZ)

Title: Serious Business
Author: Lilith ([info]lilithilien)
Disclaimer: The nipples, sadly, are not mine!
Fandom & Characters: Alles Was Zählt, Roman/Deniz
Summary: Deniz thought he liked kissing before, but now he finds he doesn't even know what it is.
Rating/word count: Explicit (*warning for rimming*) 3150 words of PWP
A/N: This has been hogging all my brain's bandwidth. Now I can drabble!

Serious Business

November 2015



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