July 17th, 2008

[info]sakru909 in [info]multi_fiction

The Seduction of Ramza Beoluve (Final Fantasy Tactics Fic)

Title: The Seduction of Ramza Beoluve
Fandom: Final Fantasy Tactics
Characters/Pairing: Ramza/Mustadio
Rating: G
Summary: Mustadio thought it would be fun to tease Ramza a little, but the naive noble didn't act like he had caught on.
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy Tactics is owned by Square Soft and all rights belong to them.

The Seduction of Ramza Beoluve

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Narke Eros 1/1 Earth: Final Conflict

Narke' Eros

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Earth: Final Conflict.

Challenge: Write a fic where a very elusive small animal gets loose on the M-ship.

Summary: A display of Earth lifeforms for the Taelons goes very bad when someone's Ka'atham comes in to full force.

Rated: R for adult situations and H for Humorous Situations.

Warning: CRACK

Spoilers: Beginning of Third Season, before Thicker than Blood.

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[info]elmyraemilie in [info]multi_fiction

Story: Act I, Scene ii.v (Hamlet, Hamlet/Horatio, NC-17)

Written for smallfandomfest on LiveJournal.

Title: Act I, Scene ii.v
Author: elmyraemilie
Fandom: Shakespeare--Hamlet
Pairing/Characters: Hamlet/Horatio
Rating/Category: NC-17/slash
Prompt: Friends with benefits
Spoilers: (if applicable) The play is probably pretty well spoiled by the last 200 years of English Lit classes, but just in case, yes--there are spoilers.
Summary: Horatio finds a private moment with Hamlet
Notes/Warnings: William Shakespeare is doubtless so accustomed to spinning in his grave that this small, sad pastiche of his masterpiece will cause him no notice at all. Still, I apologize to him, just in case.

Hamlet, Act I, Scene ii.v )

November 2015



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