May 29th, 2008

[info]tabakat in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: "Revelations" (1/2) EFC

Well my lovely co-mod wanted old fics. So I hereby throw down the gauntlet. This is the second fic I ever wrote. It is from the fandom that brought us together, I know she has some hidden somewhere. I also know other members are hiding fics from this fandom. You know who you are! So come on out, I dare you!! [info]carpet_diemon I don't think you got a hold of this one. If you did, I couldn't find the cleaned and approved version sorry.

Title: Revelations - Part 1
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: Earth Final Conflict
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Earth Final Conflict and characters are property of Tribune Entertainment and all affiliated companies. It is a Roddenberry/Kischner Production.
Warning: Contains spoilers through "The Outsiders" by Tina Price. Contains spoilers through "Atavus" -2X02 EFC season two.
Summary: What is Sandoval up to? What does Beckett remember? Why the sudden summons?
Author’s note: Kha'rha is the UK companion's name in Tina Price's stories and this story is based in part upon Her Da'an/Boone bond idea. It is also her idea that Beckett has an altered MI and shares with her Companion. Events in this story are concurrent with events in her stories through "The Outsiders".
Prequel: “New Allies”
First Posted:1998

Take the Portal

[info]hyel in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Three Meetings (PotC/Aubreyad)

Title: Three Meetings
Author's Name: Hyel
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean (c) Disney, the Aubrey/Maturin series (c) Patrick O'Brian.
Warnings: Character death.
Ratings: PG
Word Count: 864
Summary: More oldfic. I kinda emulated Patrick O'Brian's writing style here. Also wrote this in a very short time, and I must warn you that it is somewhat pointless. Nonetheless.

Dr Maturin's usual subjects for dissection were either of a zoological nature, or dead foundlings off the streets. )

[info]i_want_2 in [info]multi_fiction

Fic: Deliver Me 2/? BattleStar Galactica 2003

Deliver Me

By: Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own BattleStar Galactica.

Rating: Adult.

Genre: Slash - Lee Apollo/Leoben

Summary: Apollo is debriefed by the Cylons, but things aren't going as he expected.

Warning: Violence, Character Death.

Spoiler/Timeline: Season 2
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