Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

August 12th, 2021



Happy Birthday Peter (backdated to August 10th)

Peter Parker's Surprise 18th Birthday Party!
So Sabrina decided that she wanted to do something special for Peter's birthday, and would reached out to May, Ned, Miles, and Tim to help her out. She'd come to the compound, take Peter out for dinner, and then after go the game room under the guise of watching a movie and cuddling on the couch in the game room, but SURPRISE! It's a birthday party! Sabrina would have invited everyone, and said to keep it all hush-hush, and not tell the birthday boy.

Apologies for lack of IC plotting, this week just got away from me.

Location: The Game Room | Time: Around 8PMish | Warnings/Ratings: None. | Join In!



La Sirene Opening (Friday, August 13th)


La Sirene

Opening Night!
The opening of La Sirene, Little Wakanda's first nightclub, is finally here! Dinah has worked very hard to make sure the opening goes without a bang, and her hard work has definitely paid off!

Doors will open at 8PM, and as it is the opening weekend, cover charge is waived. There are drink specials all night, and a dj playing music for dancing. There bar and kitchen are both fully stocked and ready to go. While the opening is a 16+ event, anyone under the age of 21 will be carded, and Dinah has the best technology to detect fake ids, so probably not really smart to try it. Don't make her sic Helena on you. Trust me, that won't end well for you.

At some point, Dinah would taking the stage to perform a set, backed by a house band.

Feel free to mingle and do interactions! © tessisamess