Multiverse of Madness Logs


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July 9th, 2021



Plot: The Visit


Hail to the Chief )



Simon Tam
Kaylee Frye
WHO Simon & Kaylee • WHERE Outside Wakanda Apartments • WHEN After her arrival, Tues 7th of July
Bright as she was trying to make the whole experience, beyond that she was scared, hurting as she’d been pulled from the life they were just starting to put back together Read more... )



Who: Thor Odinson and Carol Danvers
What: It’s Thor’s birthday!
Where: New Asgard, Thor’s home.
When: [Backdated] July 8.

Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake. )



Who: Thor Odinson and Darcy Lewis
What: Thor doesn’t like the President's message
Where: Avengers compound
When: after the president leaves Friday night

In order to be a diplomat, one must speak a number of languages, one of which is doubletalk. )