Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

May 23rd, 2021



Plot Post: First Encounters

Who: Everyone at the Facility
What: R-Day (the R is for Ross)
Where: The Avenger's Facility
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating/Warning: TBD

So, you're not all stupid. Great. We can work with that. )



WHO: Jon Kent and James Rogers
WHERE: Their Room
WHEN: Jon's arrival
WHAT: James happens upon a surprise.
RATING: Pretty low.

Jonathan Kent was getting tired of being whisked away into foreign universes. )



Who: Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson
Where: Gotham (Comics) briefly then The Portal Room
When: 22nd May - During Dick’s Portal Shift but Before Ross and Co. Show Up.
What: The Dark Knight Arrives
Rating/Warnings: Low // Small amount of theft and gun violence at the start but no Bats were harmed in this thread.
Status: In Progress

It should have been an easy night on patrol )