Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - March 2nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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March 2nd, 2009

[Mar. 2nd, 2009|03:41 am]


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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 1! Outside, between the barn, batting cages, and the garage
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

They came through the forest, probably from somewhere in the desert. Perhaps the Planet just planted them in the trees so they would be able to sneak up to the resort more effectively and no one would be able to tell just how many there where. A few of the braver ones ventured out from the trees, watching the resort. When the first few came, it was early enough in the morning that hardly anyone was outside just yet.

When they were not met with resistance, the lizard people ventured more into the resort. They stood about 7 feet tall and were anthropomorphic, wearing some sort of plated armor for clothing. They had sharp, tough claws on their three fingered hands.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:04 am]


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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 2! Inside the playhouse/theater
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Lizards had come into the playhouse, drawn by the bright warm lights that lit up the stage. A few were content to just sit under the lights, attempting to sun themselves and soak up the warmth, while others were crawling around the seats. A few younger looking ones were gleefully ripping out the padding from some of the seats and throwing the fluff into the air. Some others had gotten into the costumes and were more or less trying them on. They didn't seem to be quite sure how they were supposed to wear them, however, so it resulted in silly things like one wearing a belt as a sort of headband and another wearing a fake grass skirt around its neck.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:11 am]


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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 3! The game room
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Another group had ventured into the game room, finding the bright flashy lights from the arcade games distracting. Pool balls were scattered around the floor from the ruckus they were causing as they tried to make sense of these strange contraptions. One lizard had gotten angry and had smashed one of the pinball machines. It lay in a heap, occasionally letting of a spark. Instead of using the bowling balls how they were supposed to, some were tossing the heavy balls back and forth in a game of catch. One, however, got distracted for a moment and ended up getting hit in the face with a bowling ball. Letting out a shriek of anger, it picked up the ball and hurled it back at its companion, resulting in an impromptu 'game' of dodgeball with a bowling ball.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:17 am]


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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 4! The library
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Of course, the lizards in the library were gleefully ripping out pages of books by the handful and tossing them in the air, letting out the lizard equivalent of a giggle as they watched the pages float down. Some had toppled over a few bookshelves and were using the now empty stacks to climb around on. Yet another fight had broken out here as well, resulting in books being hurled back and forth at each other, accompanied by angry shrieks that could be heard from the hallways. A few other lizards who were wandering said hallways came inside, wondering what all the commotion was all about.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:21 am]


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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 5! The kitchen
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Another group of lizards were raiding the kitchens. For some reason, the refrigerators and freezers seemed to be stocked with food. The food was everywhere. Clearly, the mother lizards had never told their children not to play with their food because it was flying through the air as the lizards rooted around, looking for something that would suit their carnivorous diet and flinging what they weren't interested in over their shoulders without a care. Some were staring at their reflections in the mirror, not quite sure what to make of these new friends who were copying their exact movements. A few unlucky ones had discovered the silverware. At least three had already gotten stabbed from play fights that broke out as the lizards played out mock sword battles with the spoons, forks, knives, and even the sharp butcher knives. One lizard let out a scream of pain as another accidentally stabbed it in the hand with one of the knives. The other stared at its companion dumbfounded, not quite able to comprehend that it was his fault his friend had just been wounded.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:29 am]


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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 6! Outside, between the tennis courts, sauna, and garden
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Some lizards were off in the garden, replanting the flowers however they wanted: upside down, sideways, burying them completely, or ripping the heads off and burying just the stems. Two had taken a dip in the small pond inside the garden, although they couldn't quite get in it all the way as it wasn't very big and they, well, were. Others were on the tennis court, amusing themselves with the tennis balls. A few were gleefully pelting one with them, but since they were small and fuzzy and the lizards had tough hides, it didn't hurt as much as throwing a bowling ball at it full speed would. A small group had ventured over to the outside pool, poking at the water warily. The group crowded too close, wanting to get a better view at this odd lake, that the one who had poked the water slipped and fell in with a loud squeal. It panicked for a moment before it realized it could stand up easily; it was in the shallow end.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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