Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - March 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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March 1st, 2009

[Mar. 1st, 2009|12:52 am]
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Who: Dean & Sam Winchester
What: Brotherly chat
Where: Sam's room
When: Early morning
Rating: PG?
Status: Complete

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Premonition [Mar. 1st, 2009|11:59 am]
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Who: River, Laura, and Andy
What: Premonition and probably some fighting somwhere in there...
When: Day 34
Rating: TBD
Status: Active

River was walking barefoot along the shoreline in the early afternoon. It was her third day at Mirage and she was starting to adjust a bit to her surroundings. She had been fortunete enough to find people in this place that were similar to her; people who understood her. She was starting to consider that the planet was trying to bring people from other worlds together. Although she did not want to go as far as considering it was anything good.

Halfway along, River was able to spot Laura. She awkwardly waved at the woman. She was surprised to find her out in during the day. Then again, Laura did say she only prefered the night. River smiled a little and started to go in the woman's direction when she noticed another figure nearby.

When River was attempting to identify who the man was when something hit her and she fell back onto the sand, the wind knocked out of her. She started to shiver and shake. River knew what it was but she tried to fight it. She wished she didn't have to go through it every time her brain wanted to show her something. Flashes of large green figures flew across her eyes. River shook her head from side to side a bit. She tried to shake it away. But the figures persisted. River screamed out in pain as the one of the green figures ran after her. It scratched at her and everything went black for a moment. River was able to pull herself out and stared straight into the sky. she screamed again and focused on Laura and...Andy's faces. "They're coming!" She forced out. She heard some questions being thrown at her and was able to respond "Lizards!"
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