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Jan. 20th, 2010


Fic: Into Temptation

Title: Into Temptation
Author: [info]oconel and [info]nefernat
Recipient: [info]lizardspots
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin
Warnings: none
Spoilers: All of Series 1
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 16,490 words
Summary: On a hunting trip, Arthur discovers more things about Merlin and himself than he is ready to admit.
Disclaimer : This is a work of fanfiction – none of this ever happened. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work.

Author's Note #1: Written for Round 1 of [info]camelotsolstice.

You can read the fic here

Jan. 19th, 2010


Fic: The Head that Wears the Crown - Arthur/Merlin, PG

My contribution to Camelot Solstice, now that the reveals are up.

Title: The Head that Wears the Crown
Author: [info]elfflame
Recipient: [info]sillyshy
Paring(s): Arthur/Merlin
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4370
Summary: Now that Arthur is king, he has all new worries to deal with. Merlin does his best to help.
Author's notes: Thank you to [info]kabal42, [info]wolfish_cat, and [info]ceria for all their help. Couldn’t have managed without you. And to Sillyshy, as soon as I saw the King Arthur prompt, I really couldn’t resist. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Heavy hangs the head that wears the crown. - Shakespeare )

Jan. 13th, 2010



Title:  History
Author:  Christine AKA 

Rating: PG (fairly safe but depends on how filthy your mind is really)
Ship(s):  Uther/Gaius
Post Type:  Fiction (word count ~500)
Summary:  Uther remembers how things used to be in his youth.
Warnings:  Nostalgia.  Guilt.
A/N - I just had to get this out of my head so it's condensed but if you want to write a flashback just drop me a line, or just reassure me I'm not the only person who thinks those two have a lot of history.  Probably easier to imagine it's set in the 1st series. ETA: sense and 'W' 05.07.10.


Jan. 1st, 2010


Author: [info]natt_barn
Post type:Fic, 1974 words.
Summary: Written for the IJ Merlin fest. Merlin has been thrown in the stocks again, and Arthur is in an unusual mood.
Warnings: Sex.
Promt request: Stocks porn with some genuine suspense - whether that is from getting caught, anonymous touching or something else Special Requests: consider the physical effects of being restrained upon the person in the stocks and keep us aware of that.
A/N:For [info]tetsubinatu Hope it's what you wanted. If not... Uh, I tried?

Read more... )


At His Will - for Kabal 42

January 2010

Author: tetsubinatu
Requested by: Kabal 42
Rating: G - sorry, Arthur was too sick to get up to much.
Pairing/Character(s): Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Merlin returns to Camelot because Arthur is dying.
Warnings: Death of an OC.
Prompt Request: Merlin is banished from Camelot because Uther finds out he's a sorcerer. Some time later he's called back by Uther himself, so he can save a dying Arthur's life.
Disclaimer: Not mine - property of the BBC as far as I know. No profit being made on this fic.

~5000 words. I hope it was what you were looking for, Kabal 42! I think I managed to fit everything in, at least a bit. I know Mordred is a bit OOC, but I figure 2 years of trailing Merlin around has de-creepified the kid a bit!

Also, this was betaed by my 12yo so - no hot stuff!

Read at my LJ

Dec. 23rd, 2009



Title: Conquered
Rating: R
Post type: fic
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Warnings: NON-CON AR where Merlin is a Prince. SPOILERS for 2.13
Disclaimer: I do not own this version of Merlin, nor am I making any profit from it.
Prompt: This was written for a kinkme_merlin prompt here. It is quite unlike my usual writing - being dark and non-con.

I'm a bit embarrassed about this fic - it contains a lot of things that I usually consider to be squicks. What can I say? *hides face*

Read it here

Dec. 7th, 2009


Night Breezes

Title: Night Breezes
Author: [info]leda_speaks
Rating: G
Ship(s): implied Morgana/Gwen
Post type: fic
Summary: "I'm here," Gwen says

Night Breezes

Nov. 23rd, 2009


The Storyteller

Title: The Storyteller
Author: [info]tetsubinatu
Rating: M
Ship(s): Merlin/Arthur
Post type: fic
Summary: Arthur recognises a story.
Warnings: Mild sexual references
A/N: Written for the kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin
Merlin had to run from Camelot after his magic was revealed and, years later, Arthur doesn't know what happened to him. In the meantime, Merlin has been traveling about, making a living by telling tales about Arthur and life in Camelot. One day, Arthur hears people talking about some story involving him that only Merlin could have known and realizes it's confirmations that Merlin's still alive.

I've cleaned up a few words and punctuation, but essentially if you read it at kinkme_merlin you won't find much different here. If you haven't read it before, I hope you enjoy it.

Read at my IJ

Nov. 14th, 2009


Springs the wood anew

Title: Springs the wood anew
Author: tetsubinatu
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character(s): Merlin/Arthur, Gaius/Ardith
Summary: Gaius remembers
Warnings: Mild hints of het and slash.
Disclaimer: Not mine - property of the BBC as far as I know. No profit being made on this fic.

I just felt like writing something today, something short and sweet. Here it is:

Read on )

Nov. 5th, 2009


Breaking Point (ficlet)

Title: Breaking Point
Author: [info]tetsubinatu
Rating: PG
Ship(s): gen Merlin, Arthur
Post type: fic
Summary: Merlin finds his breaking point, or rather - Arthur finds it for him.
Warnings: Violence
A/N: This little ficlet was written for The Magical Reveal Meme

Read at my IJ

Oct. 18th, 2009


At the change of watch

Title: At the change of watch
Author: [info]tetsubinatu
Rating: M
Ship(s): Arthur/OMC, Arthur/Merlin
Post type fic
First posted at kinkme_merlin #3
Prompt Summary: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Other. Paranoid!Arthur has a very secret but purely sexual relationship with one of his knights. After a while the knight wants to break it off. The knight is in touch with the 'gay underground' and tells Arthur he knows the perfect replacement lover for him. Arthur reluctantly agrees but under the condition that the person is blindfolded so that his secret is kept safe.
Warnings: None

I haven't done more to this than clean it up a little, but I thought I would share it here.

Read at my LJ

Oct. 17th, 2009


By Moonlight

Title: By Moonlight
Author: [info]kabal42
Characters/Pairing: Gaius, Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Gaius witnesses something as fragile as moonlight
Wordcount: 3 x 100
A/N: Written when RPG inspired me :-)

(By Moonlight)

Oct. 16th, 2009


Fic: Passing Fancy - Arthur/Merlin, Uther - PG

Title: Passing Fancy
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairing: Uther, Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Summary: Uther takes a walk on the battlements of the castle.
Word Count: 100X3
A/N: Another drabbly-thing that occurred to me while RPing the boys. :)

You never know what you'll see... )

Oct. 6th, 2009


Fic: The woods in May

Title: The woods in May
Warnings: None
Pairing: Merlin/Will
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Up to 1x10
Author Notes: Writen for kinkme_merlin. Prompt: Merlin/Will, the summer they first discover their sexuality and that they like to discover it together, awkward fumbling = bonus points. Thanks a lot to [info]binglejells for the beta. It has taken me ages to finally post it.



Fic: Dancefloor

Title: Dancefloor
Authors: [info]nefernat and [info]oconel
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 3,381
Warnings: AU. Leather. Crack.
Summary: Merlin insists on a night of clubbing. Arthur insists on proper clothing. The combination makes them both happy.
Authors' notes: Instead of having a party, they are out having fun in clubs. In leather. Both of them. Uhm... Right. Needless to say we had a lot of fun writing this one.
Set in the Office universe.


Sep. 19th, 2009


Fic: A Very Good Dream - Arthur/Merlin

Title: A Very Good Dream
Author: [info]elfflame
Claim: Merlin Emrys
Other characters/pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 274
A/N: The first thing to come to mind, since I doubt the term was well-known by these characters in this time-period. :)

All I’ve got to do )

Sep. 1st, 2009


Ficspamming the list

I have written several Merlin stories which I have not previously posted here, so I might as well post the links to them:

Two Reasons not to sleep with Arthur
An 'Arthur finds out' fic. Merlin/Arthur. R

Three in a bed
Series of AU drabbles with complicated pairings. Slash AND het. Perpetual WIP

Lacing Up Arthur
Merlin gets all bothered by Arthur in women's clothing. Merlin/Arthur. R

Fun ficlet where the boys squabble. Merlin/Arthur preslash. G

Rosa Alba
Arthur's 6yo daughter needs to know about her mother. Merlin/Arthur implied mpreg. G

I haven't received any comments from this site before, but it would be lovely to get some.

Aug. 29th, 2009


Cara Mia

Title: Cara Mia
Fandom: Merlin BBC TV series
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1100
Pairings: Merlin/Morgana
Crossposted at infide_manentia

This was my attempt at a Period version of ‘Truth or Dare’. Here’s where I got the idea from. There is also a partner fic which is linked to at the end.

Read on )

Jun. 29th, 2009


The Knight and The Maiden

Title: The Knight and The Maiden
Authors: [info]oconel and [info]nefernat
Rating: R
Challenge: 33. Fairytale AU. Fairytale mashup ala Shrek with Arthur as Knight in shining armour set out to rescue the fair maiden (Merlin). Extra points for a stray sunbeam following Arthur throughout. Crack welcome!
Word count: 10,986 words
Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, a manly man named Arthur, with golden hair and deep blue eyes; brave and handsome as any other manly man.
Warnings (if applicable): Crack, a donkey in a crisis, a random sunbeam, a lurking fairy and talking inanimate objects. You know, harmless warnings...
Notes: First, we apologise to whoever it is that owns Shrek and Merlin, although we insist that no donkeys, sunbeams and crystal balls were harmed during the writing of this fic. Secondly, a BIG thank you to [info]kabal42 for the wonderful beta job!!!

Read it here

Jun. 21st, 2009


MIxed Merlin Drabbles

[info]kabal42 - Arthur/Merlin, gift. Harry/Draco, summer night.
I went with the first. PG
334 Words

A Special Gift )

[info]lilithilien - Merlin/Arthur, harvest time?
PG with a more preslash slant…
151 words

After a Long Day )

Lilian_cho: Merlin/Arthur, twisted ankle
G 156 Words

Falling )

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