Dec. 8th, 2009


Vid: Serenade

Title: Serenade
Vidder: oconel
Song: Serenade by Dover
Pairing: Up to you if it's Morgana/Gwen, Morgana/Morgause
Warning: POV change and... Some characters look creepy?
Spoilers: Up to 2.11
Format: mp4, 42 MB
Length: 2:40
Summary: Morgana!centric vid about the latest developments of her character.
Author Notes: I've used Gwen as the narrator (the soft and quiet parts), and Morgana at the chorus where "Serenade" is meant as a plea for help, and "being sick" a euphemism of sorts for being magical.

Stream at my IJ / my site / BAMVidVault- Download

Oct. 11th, 2009


Vid: My Son

Title: My Son
Music: "Thème de combat" by Julien PETITJEAN
Characters/Pairing: Gen
Summary: The darker side of Uther's intolerance of magic
Spoilers: All series 1, series 2 up to 2x03
Warning: Character deaths as seen in the series.
Author notes: Thanks you [info - personal] starrylizard for the beta! Your thoughtful comments and ideas helped me a lot to improve this vid.

Download (mp4) 20 MB. Stream at my site or under the cut )

Apr. 18th, 2009


Vid: Impressed

Title: Impressed
Artist: That don't impress me much, by Shania Twain
Creator: oconel
Characters/Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Spoilers: All series 1
Format: mp4 and streaming at imeem or at youtube
(if you're outside the US)
Size: 60.5 MB
Length: 3:58
Summary: Merlin is not impressed... not really.
Warnings: Crack. Cruelty towards unicorns and towards Arhur. Mistaking swords and cars... and maybe Elvis with Neo?

Under the cut )

Mar. 14th, 2009


Star Wars meets Merlin

Title: Vader
Summary: Crack. Maybe the dragon is not just Merlin's kin...
Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin nor Star Wars (I wish!)


Mar. 9th, 2009


Fanvid: Not Lost

Title: Not lost
Song: "Undiscovered" by James Morrison
Creator: [info]oconel
Duration: 3:29 minutes
Size: 25,43 MB. Download at Mediafire. Streaming at iMeem
Character/Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Spoilers: Spoilery for all of Series One.
Summary: Arthur is not lost. Merlin finds him anyway.
Notes: This is for [info]nefernat

Watch under the cut )