Jan. 1st, 2010


Author: [info]natt_barn
Post type:Fic, 1974 words.
Summary: Written for the IJ Merlin fest. Merlin has been thrown in the stocks again, and Arthur is in an unusual mood.
Warnings: Sex.
Promt request: Stocks porn with some genuine suspense - whether that is from getting caught, anonymous touching or something else Special Requests: consider the physical effects of being restrained upon the person in the stocks and keep us aware of that.
A/N:For [info]tetsubinatu Hope it's what you wanted. If not... Uh, I tried?

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At His Will - for Kabal 42

January 2010

Author: tetsubinatu
Requested by: Kabal 42
Rating: G - sorry, Arthur was too sick to get up to much.
Pairing/Character(s): Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Merlin returns to Camelot because Arthur is dying.
Warnings: Death of an OC.
Prompt Request: Merlin is banished from Camelot because Uther finds out he's a sorcerer. Some time later he's called back by Uther himself, so he can save a dying Arthur's life.
Disclaimer: Not mine - property of the BBC as far as I know. No profit being made on this fic.

~5000 words. I hope it was what you were looking for, Kabal 42! I think I managed to fit everything in, at least a bit. I know Mordred is a bit OOC, but I figure 2 years of trailing Merlin around has de-creepified the kid a bit!

Also, this was betaed by my 12yo so - no hot stuff!

Read at my LJ

Oct. 3rd, 2009


Prompt Claiming Post!

So here are the Fest prompts, sorted by prompt type.  We have a few of each, including some art-specific prompts, so there should be something for everyone.

All prompts can be claimed once, and claiming takes place through the end of December.  Claimed prompts will be crossed out as soon as possible, but do check the claims already made to make sure noone has claimed the prompt you want, just to be sure. Only one prompt can be claimed at a time, but once you finish an entry, you are welcome to claim another. Minimum Word length for fics 1000. Maximum length as high as you want to go, since you'll get to post it yourself. :) All entries should be finished by the end of January, and prompts will begin posting starting at the beginning of January and all the way through the end of February.  Once your piece is finished, an email can be sent to the mods at elfflame at hotmail dot com, and they will assign you a posting date.  All fics should be betaed before posting.

If you claim a prompt, then later find that you will be unable to finish the piece, do let the mods know as soon as possible so that we can put the prompt back up for claiming.

Header info for posting:

Prompt list under cut )</strike>

Let the claiming commence! :)
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Sep. 26th, 2009


Last chance to post your prompts!

Prompt-collection for the IJ [info]merlin_fanworks fest will end Wednesday night at Midnight Pacific time.  If you have not yet posted any requests, but would like to do so, you have a few more days, but do it soon!
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Sep. 4th, 2009


Fest Prompt Post!

Prompt collection starts today! Anyone who watches or is a member of this community is welcome to provide prompts. Please spread the word to anyone who likes Merlin who has an IJ. This fest will be on IJ only, so they will have to have one if they wish to participate.

Fest Timeline:

Prompt requests collected – through the end of September
Prompt claiming – through December
Fic finished – January 31st

Feel free to make as many prompts as you would like. The Mods will make a post with the cleaned up prompts in October. Once claiming has begun, each prompt will be crossed off when claimed. Each prompt can be claimed only once.

Any questions, please comment here, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Prompt collecting closed! Mods will have a claim post up by this weekend.
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Aug. 31st, 2009


Merlin_Fanworks Fest!

So, after getting a little feedback, we've decided to do this. We're going to keep it pretty low-key.

Everyone will be invited to post as many prompts as they'd like to see in a post that we will post on Friday. Check that post for exact formatting of the requests.

Once we close prompting, everyone who is a member of the comm will be invited to claim the prompts--one at a time, but if you finish your piece, you are more than welcome to claim another once you have your first posting date.

When you have finished your piece, contact the mods via email given at the claiming post, and you will be assigned a date for that piece.

The pieces must be finished by the end of January, but the posting will begin the first of the month, and run through the end of February, if we have enough pieces.

Any questions or comments, or other input? Now's the time to speak up. :)
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