Feb. 12th, 2014


Five Moments in the Life of Arthur Pendragon,

St. Albion Student and Sleep-deprived Boyfriend of Merlin

Summary: University AU. The lives and times of Arthur and Merlin at St. Albion.
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin, mentioned Lancelot/Gwen and Gwaine/everyone
Warning: Reverse chronology.
Notes: Written for [info]agenttrojie's prompt: "They'd stay in bed, but they've got lectures to attend."

Finally deanoning and x-posting this because I want to sign up for this year's [info]camelotremix.

( Read it @ AO3 | DW )

X-posting from DW _finally_ works again. =P

Jun. 29th, 2010


Fic: A Less-Than-Mystical Evening (Merlin/Arthur, PG, 100 words)

Title: A Less-Than-Mystical Evening
Rating: PG
Ship(s): Arthur/Merlin
Post type: 100-word AU drabble
A/N: Answers merlin100's time prompt & [info]writing_game's diss prompt.

"When you said 'a mystical evening on the beach,' this was not what I expected."

Title: In the Middle
Rating: PG-13
Ship(s): Arthur/Merlin/Lancelot, shades of OT5
Post type: 150-word flopsy

It’s not that Merlin hates being in the middle. Arthur’s bed is big enough for three grown men, especially if one is as skinny as Merlin.

May. 30th, 2009


Fic: Three Merlin/Arthur drabbles (PG-13)

Rating: PG-13
Ship(s): Arthur/Merlin
Post type: 3 X 100-word drabbles
A/N: Links open to two different pages. All three drabbles stand alone.

Cupid Undone, PG-13 for incest

( If only our parents had stayed together, we wouldn’t have ended up in this awkward situation. )

First Time

( The first time Merlin kissed Arthur, they were standing on an ocean of grass. )

Extracurricular Service

( "Well, this is awkward," Merlin said from his kneeling position on the floor. )

May. 5th, 2009


Fic: Seven Deadly Sins drabble set (various characters, G to PG-13)

Title: Seven Deadly Sins drabble set
Rating: various, G to PG-13
Ship(s): various characters, implied Lancelot/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin pre-slash
Post type: 7 X 100-word drabbles
A/N: Sloth & Pride are companion drabbles. Everything else stands on its own. All seven links below open to a single page.

"Gluttony" - Gaius, G
( Gaius grew up in a small village where going hungry during lean winters was a fact of life. )

"Wrath" - Uther, Igraine, G
( Given time, perhaps his queen could have tempered his iron grip )

"Envy" - Morgana, PG
( If only she could trade her visions )

"Sloth" - Merlin, Arthur, G
( If he had polished Arthur's armour by hand, this wouldn't have happened. )

"Pride" - Arthur, Merlin, G
( Arthur had always prided himself of his judgment. )

"Lust" - Lancelot/Gwen, Arthur, PG-13
( The first time it happened, they were young and carefree in love. )

"Greed" - Mordred, Arthur, G
( 'Your precious prince, now grown old to be a pitiful king.' )