Feb. 12th, 2014


Five Moments in the Life of Arthur Pendragon,

St. Albion Student and Sleep-deprived Boyfriend of Merlin

Summary: University AU. The lives and times of Arthur and Merlin at St. Albion.
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin, mentioned Lancelot/Gwen and Gwaine/everyone
Warning: Reverse chronology.
Notes: Written for [info]agenttrojie's prompt: "They'd stay in bed, but they've got lectures to attend."

Finally deanoning and x-posting this because I want to sign up for this year's [info]camelotremix.

( Read it @ AO3 | DW )

X-posting from DW _finally_ works again. =P

May. 5th, 2009


Fic: Seven Deadly Sins drabble set (various characters, G to PG-13)

Title: Seven Deadly Sins drabble set
Rating: various, G to PG-13
Ship(s): various characters, implied Lancelot/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin pre-slash
Post type: 7 X 100-word drabbles
A/N: Sloth & Pride are companion drabbles. Everything else stands on its own. All seven links below open to a single page.

"Gluttony" - Gaius, G
( Gaius grew up in a small village where going hungry during lean winters was a fact of life. )

"Wrath" - Uther, Igraine, G
( Given time, perhaps his queen could have tempered his iron grip )

"Envy" - Morgana, PG
( If only she could trade her visions )

"Sloth" - Merlin, Arthur, G
( If he had polished Arthur's armour by hand, this wouldn't have happened. )

"Pride" - Arthur, Merlin, G
( Arthur had always prided himself of his judgment. )

"Lust" - Lancelot/Gwen, Arthur, PG-13
( The first time it happened, they were young and carefree in love. )

"Greed" - Mordred, Arthur, G
( 'Your precious prince, now grown old to be a pitiful king.' )

May. 2nd, 2009


Fic: "Overheard in a bar" (Merlin & Gwen, PG)

Title: "Overheard in a bar"
Rating: PG-13
Ship(s): Merlin & Gwen, implied Gwen/Lancelot, Merlin/Arthur, past Gwen/Morgana
Post type: 100-word modern-day AU drabble
A/N: Answers merlin100's friendship prompt and [info]writing_game's truce prompt.

"I saw him first!" Merlin protested.

"He smiled at me!"