October 7th, 2010

[info]spaghettitoes in [info]merlin_fanworks

The Court Magician

Title: The Court Magician
Length: ~18k in six parts
Author: [info]spaghettitoes
Fandom (Pairing): Merlin (Arthur/Merlin)
Rating: PG-13
Beta: 1st Draft [info]lilithilien 2nd Draft [info]wildepet
Warnings: Some violence towards mythological creatures
Summary: Someone arrives in Camelot with a proposition for Merlin that causes him to reassess his priorities, learning more about himself and Arthur in the process.
Disclaimer: I’m going to stop using up birthday wishes and start practising my Jedi mind trick because I still have no control, influence or connection with this show.
A/N: Original idea by Lilithilien, taken from her busy hands and then exposed to my thought processes. We imagined the original character being played by an actor we both adore (Roman in the show Alles Was Zaehlt) so written with him in mind.
Set just after the end of Series 2 and if you squint a bit not wholly contradictory with Series 3.
Many thanks to my betas who thoroughly saved my backside and sanity, even if we all hold different opinions on commas.

It’s all linked *fingers crossed* but here are all six parts, if my linking goes awry again (because I’m still learning HTML and this is my first big post!) just give me a nudge and I’ll initiate repairs. I’d love to know what people think and don’t mind a little constructive criticism.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

[info]zephre in [info]merlin_fanworks

3 illustrations

I've been busy on the Merlin front lately.

3 pieces of art, live at my journal.
Gwen, Gwaine, Bradley, Colin, Arthur, and Merlin feature.  Rated G and PG.