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Apr. 6th, 2012


SO, I have some news. I am going to still be around for tagging and plotting, but it's going to be at different times. My laptop is out of commission and I am at the mercy of my parents computer. I will still be around on Aim and whatnot, but it doesn't work the same with this version of internet explorer..... so I can't be signed in as Puck and Brittany. It's a little annoying for me, but I figure I better let everyone know the sitch.

Apr. 3rd, 2012


This is hard to do, but it seems clear that I just have to bite the bullet.

I have loved every minute of this, I'm proud of what we have all built here, and it really does pain me to have to do it, but it's not fair to you guys for me to be absent so much. You need a Burt who can be active and I just can't anymore. Real life is proving to be just too crazy busy for me to be able to keep up as well as I ought to.

So, I'm letting Burt go, in the hopes that you can find someone to fill the role and provide better.

Keep having fun, and think of me fondly...




Plotting Discussion : Hiatus

Since new episodes don't resume until April 10, we have lots of leeway for original plotlines during the hiatus. Feel free to brainstorm and work out details with other players here!

This week... )

ONE MORE WEEK until new episodes! Ready, set -- plot!

Mar. 28th, 2012


Plotting Discussion : Hiatus

Since new episodes don't resume until April 10, we have lots of leeway for original plotlines during the hiatus. Feel free to brainstorm and work out details with other players here!

(Sorry for the delay -- things got away from me this evening!)

This week... )

Mar. 24th, 2012


Hi guys!

So, Jim talked me into getting AIMs for Brittany and Puck. Aim's acting fussy, so we don't have one for Britt yet but Puck's is puckzilla94 and I've got it all linked and everything so if you want Puck you can im, if I'm on he'll be on, same for Brittany. XD

Mar. 23rd, 2012


Brittany recast!

Okay, so: Frankie is no longer playing Brittany. Instead, Julia will be picking her up effective immediately ([info]b_s_pierce). The friending button has been updated here, so everyone update your friends lists! :)

Mar. 20th, 2012


Plotting Discussion : Hiatus

Since new episodes don't resume until April 10, we have lots of leeway for original plotlines during the hiatus. Feel free to brainstorm and work out details with other players here!

This week... )

Mar. 16th, 2012


New character!

Rebecca is picking up her third and final character: she'll be wreaking some havoc with Sugar Motta ([info]sugar_motta) from here on out, so update your friends lists HERE, and check out Sugar's character meme entry HERE, XD

Mar. 13th, 2012


Plotting Discussion : Hiatus

Since new episodes don't resume until April 10, we have lots of leeway for original plotlines during the hiatus. Feel free to brainstorm and work out details with other players here!

This week... )

Mar. 12th, 2012


OOC [[And a potential trigger comment.]]

Mar. 11th, 2012


March activity check

Activity check! (FYI, I did do an activity check last month; everyone passed, I just never got around to making a post about it.)

Details and list of who's safe... )

One thing I have noticed: there is a LOT of activity going on over AIM, and sometimes it doesn't get posted to the community. If I don't see it, I can't count it toward activity checks. There are some characters who I suspect are interacting almost exclusively on AIM; that's perfectly fine, if you choose, but I don't want anyone to get penalized just because their logs aren't going up on the comm, so please, if it's plot relevant, we want to see it! It doesn't have to be color-coded or anything, just legible and posted to [info]mckinley_high.

If there are any questions, please let me know!


Fail. I need a new computer cord. I'll be right back as soon as I get one. Augh, I'm soooo sorry.

Mar. 10th, 2012


in which jim is horrified at santana's fever logs

yeah, santana wasn't the only one with a fever. i made a lot of bad choices last night and i apologize. rather than retcon the night away i've had her post an apology for her behavior - her cue was checking her logs, since most of the night is a blur to her.

and jim has learned a valuable lesson about rping when feverish. sorry you guys.

Mar. 9th, 2012


Hi everyone, I'm Dhi and I'll be playing Finn Hudson. I'm sure you realized that by the name and icon....

I watch glee, a lot, and talk about it incessantly. I am also on AIM a lot, usually while doing a million other thing, but don't be afraid to hit me or Finn up. Finn can't resist distracting me from my duties when he sees the little box pop up. I can't think of anything exciting to say, but I did fill out the friending meme:

Read more... )



New player and mod updates

We've cast a new Finn! Dhi is joining the game with Mr. Hudson ([info]gleeloser), so everyone make her feel welcome, :) The friending button has been updated here!

We're due for an activity check, so I will be doing that over the next couple of days. Also, for those not tracking the plotting discussion thread, there seems to be sufficient interest in spring break, so Dalton will be off next week (Mar. 12-16), and McKinley's break will be the week after (Mar. 19-23); that gives the McKinley kids time to set up and plot for it, and the Dalton boys something to play with next week, :)

And tacking this on just so I'm not making an entirely separate post: Nick now has an AIM SN. It's nick_warbler, but until I figure out the best way to be signed in to two SNs at once, he's available by request only; if you need him for a log, let me know and I'll get him online!


Mar. 8th, 2012


So, hey ya'll! I just want to say that I will be around this weekend, but I am going to my grandparents today and I'll be there till at least Monday. They have internet, and I'm taking my laptop, but I don't know if I'll be around on Aim. You can reach me by my email, which is listed on Puck's profile, or pm Puck's account if you need me for plots! I just wanted to let you know. :)

Mar. 6th, 2012


Plotting Discussion : Hiatus

Since new episodes don't resume until April 10, we have lots of leeway for original plotlines during the hiatus. Feel free to brainstorm and work out details with other players here!

This week... )

Mar. 4th, 2012



Hi, everyone! I am Julia, I will be playing Puck! My aim is crushinoneliza, and you can hit me up on there if you want plots! I am up for almost anything. I am glad to be here, I have a glee rping addiction. I have a funky sleeping schedule, I am around mostly at night, and I am in Eastern time, actually, I live in boring Ohio, just like our glee kids. Sometimes I am hanging out under invisible when I am on, just im me anyway, even if it says I'm offline, and if I'm there, I will answer. If it's the first time, just make sure you introduce yourself and that you're from this game and then I'll know to add you to my buddy list. But that's it, other than I am not keeping any romantic parts of Puck and Shelby's storyline, other than that I think we're good to go canon wise.

let's plot! :)


something people ought to know about diego

i've been playing him via AIM for some time, and... )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


More new characters/new player...

We have two new characters this morning -- and a new player for one of them, yay! Jim is picking up Santana's brother Diego ([info]diegolopez), and Julia is joining us with Puck ([info]puckzilla94). The friending button has been updated here, so y'all go have fun, :)

ETA: Forgot to link Diego's new entry on the character meme here; Puck already has a thread, but may need updated character interactions since we're now well into S3...

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