May. 6th, 2012


I hereby tender my resignation.

Apr. 3rd, 2012


This is hard to do, but it seems clear that I just have to bite the bullet.

I have loved every minute of this, I'm proud of what we have all built here, and it really does pain me to have to do it, but it's not fair to you guys for me to be absent so much. You need a Burt who can be active and I just can't anymore. Real life is proving to be just too crazy busy for me to be able to keep up as well as I ought to.

So, I'm letting Burt go, in the hopes that you can find someone to fill the role and provide better.

Keep having fun, and think of me fondly...



Mar. 23rd, 2012


Brittany recast!

Okay, so: Frankie is no longer playing Brittany. Instead, Julia will be picking her up effective immediately ([info]b_s_pierce). The friending button has been updated here, so everyone update your friends lists! :)

Feb. 18th, 2012


Bah :(

Hi Guys,

I'm so sorry to do this, but I'm afraid I need to pull Finn Hudson from the game. I haven't been able to be around enough, and real life doesn't seem to want to let me. Between a concussion, a flu, and losing my job this week, I need to take some time and refocus on stuff.

You guys have been amazing and this is an awesome game!! I wish you all the best. Take care!


Jan. 18th, 2012


So...m thinking I might really need to drop Shannon and focus on Burt. Sorry, guys, I just don't seem to be able to do two and do them justice.

Nov. 8th, 2011


Hello sweeties!

Unfortunately, this post doesn't bring good news. :( I currently have a lot on my plate right now, with real life dramz and then a thanksgiving vacation and I just got a new job and then I'm going to be studying for finals up until like the middle of December. You guys deserve a Brittany that will be around often.

I'm sorry for all the people I've plotted with, but honestly, if I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have applied for Brittany.

Best of luck, and maybe I'll come back when everything is calmed down again.

please remove [info]brittanyfierce and [info]sexydrummerchic from your friends. or not, it doesn't matter much because i'm not gunna use the journals anywhere else!

- Kat

Oct. 2nd, 2011


Hey all -- I think I'm going to have to drop Mercedes. Honestly, she's just not inspiring me this season. I'll still be around with Jeff, but figured I'd put this down and make it official so that someone else can opt in for the delightful Ms Jones if they so wish :)

Sep. 29th, 2011



Although it makes me sad to do this, I have to withdraw from the game after all. I've enjoyed being back in this game and I never thought it would last this long when we started it. Best of luck playing~ xxx

Sep. 25th, 2011


Guys, I gotta scale back my time online, thanks to my busy work schedule. I was in four RPGs. That was too many so I'm dropping three and keeping just one. This is one of the ones I've got to drop. But thanks so much to those of you I role-played with. I had a blast while I was here. I can't just sit on Artie (heh) and do nothing with him, though, so I'm gonna let you guys find a new Artie. <333 Thank you again. I hate good-byes. Remember, you can still hit me up on AIM: proudartie

Dec. 9th, 2010



Hey all, I'm really sorry to say that I've decided to quit McKinley High. I'm really sorry for throwing up all this drama and then backing out, but that's the way things fall.

I wish I could say that it was because I don't have time anymore now that I'm modding my own RP set at Dalton, or that I'm simply not interested anymore, but neither of those are true. I was going to drop Azimio to free myself up a little better, but I'd been otherwise balancing the two games. And I'm still definitely interested in Glee and RPing and Kurt--I'm going to miss all the great players and characters here!

But the simple fact is that the mods and I do not get along. And it's no longer fun to play in a game in which if I make the slightest reference to something else another character does, I'm accused of god-moding. Or if I work out details of a relationship with another player and then work them into my posts, I'm accused of making assumptions about that other character.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of it. I don't want to play in a game where I don't feel comfortable talking with the mods when I'm having a problem, and I don't want to play in a game where I get in trouble for god-moding even after confirming with the players involved that what I'm going to say actually happened. Again, I'm very sorry for just running off after sparking off all this drama, but hey, at least Kurt's at Dalton so it makes sense that he's not active while you find a replacement.

Carry on, have fun, and maybe I'll see some of you around!


Oct. 13th, 2010


Sad news, friends. After talking it over with Justine, I've decided to step down from my role as Finn. My schedule (along with internet outage and laptop death issues) really just doesn't allow me to do justice to the character. So I end up feeling guilty and overwhelmed and you potentially feel frustrated. So in the best interests of everyone, I thought I would give someone else a chance who could be more involved in the game. I really enjoyed getting to know you and be a part of the game, and I'm looking forward to following you all still!


Sep. 21st, 2010


Howdy! I'm in the process of cleaning/packing/moving/cleaning/unpacking/canceling accounts/getting new accounts etc/working/handling parents adoption of a son/etc. so my on-line time is sketchy at best, and unfortunately, I don't think I can give the game the attention it deserves. *epic sad face* Sorry for any disappointment, but I'd rather let Kurt find a new Mummy who can be more attentive than I can. Love to you all.