Oct. 17th, 2010


Weekly Glee RP + Song Meme

Hi all,

In the interest of better utilizing the Weekly Glee threads that we've been doing, we've decided to make these into more of an 'open mic' type of thread. Basically, Will's starting posts will now ask the students to share anything they've been working on during their own time. This way, we don't have to try and fit them in to sync up with each week's episode and it'll give us a way to supplement those plots plus, of course, our own ones unique to this game. Consider this an opportunity for your character to share their feelings through song, make open declarations of love, bitch people out, whatever moves you.

With that in mind!

Stuck for ideas for your character(s), songwise? Ever thought Puck should sing 'Wild Thing" by Tone-Loc (I know I have...)? Or Rachel sing 'Rude Boy" by Rihanna once she gets down with her bad self? Or something. Comment to this post with your character's name so we can all share/plot song ideas.

As for Ethan and Lizzie... um, hang tight? :/ Maybe they should actually legit join Glee ;)