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May. 6th, 2012


Sorry I've been gone all week, looks like I missed a lot of good stuff. I've been really sick the last few weeks. I have a few chronic medical conditions that haven't been very kind to me, and I've been having a hard enough time getting out of bed, let alone finding the mental capacity to write something. Please bear with me during this hiatus/slowatus.

May. 4th, 2012


OOC : Limited access

Y'all, my laptop has decided to suddenly up and die on me, at possibly the worst time in the history of ever. I'm on limited net access through iPad, right now, which means I can check in, just not very quckly, and I'll probably be slow for tags. I'm getting it looked at tomorrow, but have no idea how long this is going to last -- I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but if anyone needs me, email is still the quickest, most reliable way to get ahold of me.

Fingers crossed it can be fixed!


Apr. 28th, 2012



SOOOOOOOOOO GUESS WHAT? My mom and dad are the best mom and dad ever!! I got a new laptop, so I can be around allllllllll the time!!! I seem to have the wrong Aim though, and I can't remember which one I had before... so I have Aim, but I still don't have the handy one I had where I was able to link my accounts and what not. BUT I can thread and stuff, so YAY. He's pretty and his name is Adrian Monk Jr., AJ for short, and he is bigger in size, AND hard drive than my other one, so WOOOOT.

Apr. 6th, 2012


SO, I have some news. I am going to still be around for tagging and plotting, but it's going to be at different times. My laptop is out of commission and I am at the mercy of my parents computer. I will still be around on Aim and whatnot, but it doesn't work the same with this version of internet explorer..... so I can't be signed in as Puck and Brittany. It's a little annoying for me, but I figure I better let everyone know the sitch.

Mar. 12th, 2012


OOC [[And a potential trigger comment.]]

Mar. 11th, 2012


Fail. I need a new computer cord. I'll be right back as soon as I get one. Augh, I'm soooo sorry.

Jan. 20th, 2012


OOC: out of town notice!

I know this is short notice, but there's been a death in the family and I'm on a plane to PA tonight, so my availability is going to be limited over the weekend. I'll still have my phone with me, just be patient with me RE: tags and comments and mod stuff. I'll be back on Tuesday, but until then, email is the best way to reach me in a pinch!

Jan. 16th, 2012


Hey everyone. So in the course of the last few days my laptop has been acting up really bad . I am in the process of fixing it. (Thank God I know enough about comps to fix it myself). But it is taking a long time. I have access on my phone but replies will be slow to some degree. (Most of my recent comments have come from it) Just thought I'd let you know.

Jan. 12th, 2012


Hi all! I'm back from holiday, so sorry for the lack of Kurt and Jeff round these parts. I'll go back and see what's been up, but just wanted to say that I was back :)

Dec. 31st, 2011


Hey. Sorry about my absence. I meant to post something earlier but been so busy with family, the holidays and such. I'll be more active come the new year of course. Life has gotta be there to wake us up sometime. So with that being said I hope everyone had an awesome holiday. And you plan to ring in the new year with a great bang. Yes including our resolutions we all fail to keep. Lol. Have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. :) (It sucks having to end 2011 feeling under the weather though. Oh's a good cleaning mechanism.)

Dec. 26th, 2011


OOC - one week limited access!

Just a heads up for everyone -- I'm going to be holiday traveling for this entire week between Christmas and New Years, and won't be back to full internet strength until Jan. 2. I'll have my phone on hand for the minimal internet presence necessary, and MAY have a more reliable wireless connection later in the week, *fingers crossed*. Alas, this means no AIM access for Blaine (or me), and my replies might be slow, but I'll do my best to stay reachable: check my contact page for my personal email address, that's the quickest way to get ahold of me in a pinch (since I won't be checking the mod email until I get back).

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, and has an amazing new year -- I'll see you all in 2012, and be prepared for activity checks and more recruiting efforts!


Dec. 5th, 2011


Just to let you all know, I'm sick. I will try to look in here and there, when the fever lets me, but I'm in no way up to actually rping with any real commitment for at least another few days - maybe a week or so? Depends how I go.

Took me two bourbons and an ice pack to get lucid enough to write this haha. I was considering getting my roommate to post it but his typing is so illegible that it'd make you all sick too.

I can probably hit up journal tags if I know they're for me - please, feel free to poke me if this is the case - but threading is out of the question for now.

Jim (Santana)

Nov. 26th, 2011


this was not a good couple of weeks... Pneumonia, the doctor said, once I saw her. Lots of sleeping when I wasn't at work! But today I am awake! And not working! So, catching up.

Still up for that thread between Genny, Burt, and Jeff, guys? I'll set it up now, anyway.

Nov. 20th, 2011


Hi Peeps,

Sorry for the lack of responses. I've been busy this week finishing up final exams for courses and getting kiddos at school ready to head out for Thanksgiving break. Just letting you all know I'm still around! Peace and stuff!


Aug. 10th, 2011


just wanted to say that i'll probably be less available/MIA from tomorrow evening until next sunday since i'll be moving to minneapolis :)

catch you on the flip side~ if you need me, ask joie or saskia.


Hey guys! Just to let you all know, I'm going on holiday to the Philippines for a month from August 11th. I won't be completely without internet access because a month without it would kill me but I don't think I'll be online or on AIM much. This is just a warning that my tags will probably be slow. Stay awesome while I'm gone. :)

Aug. 3rd, 2011



Hola, nerdmigos!

Sorry I've been gone, I was moving into my new apartment!

I'm going on vacation from August 5 to August 14 or 15. I'll be inactive on those days! I'll miss you!


Hi guys...

Welcome to the new players and characters!

sorry I have been AWOL recently.  Real life got horrible for a little while and I just didn't have the energy for... well, anything much.

Jul. 29th, 2011



I haz internet. At my place! I am going to try and tag where I have neglected. And I can't even deal with the fail that Mike was at his own party. So I'll just pretend he chilled, drank and played video games with the dudes, unless anyone has a specific plot they'd like to play out.

Anyway, I am for realz in business! Hit me up if you want to log/thread something :DDD

Jul. 21st, 2011


Out again!

Hey there RPers!

So, I have college orientation this week, so I'll be gone tomorrow and Friday, coming back Friday night. I'll be on from my iPhone as much as I can, but I won't be able to do much! I'll be able to tag, but that's about it! I'll miss you all, and see you Saturday!

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