November 4th, 2010

[info]jazhands in [info]mckinley_ooc

New character!

Hi there. :)
I'm Leia, I'm new here, and would like to introduce all of you to McKinley High's newest student, Jasper 'Jaz' Shaughnessy, played by the Thomas Dekker (Glee's already used three actors/actresses that have cameo-ed on Heroes, so I figured, why stop now?). Jaz is kind of a troubled teen, having been in foster care pretty much his whole life, and having lived in several different foster homes throughout his 17 years. All this uncertainty drives him to dabble in drugs and all that, and generally have a bit of rebel-without-a-cause attitude. But all that's over now, and Jaz wants to reform, since he's just had an offer from an Lima-based family that wants to take him in, and help him 'achieve his true potential'.
That's where you guys come in, hopefully! :)
If any of your characters' families sound like the sort of people that would do that, and it wouldn't interfere too much in your storyline, I'd be ecstatic to hear from you. Hell, I'm really excited to meet all of you. Well, Jaz is, really. ;)
Sorry for the long post. A longer introduction of Jaz, if you have time, is back here ( if you want to know more about him.

[info]germxmakeslife in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hey guys, I want to apologize for not being around much lately. :( I can't seem to kick this cold and while I've been checking up...I haven't been actively saying anything. But, I'm back to semi-normal. If someone wants to set up an appointment with Ems or if Will/Carl wants to talk about something....I can now say that I'm well enough to do this. Haha! :) 

Don't forget about Janessa... :) She can come out and play too. Poor kid, she hasn't been doing much, has she?

[info]an_acafella in [info]mckinley_ooc

eep! I meant to do this a lot sooner...

I did not forgot the Weekly Glee Rehearsal post this week. I figured that what with them working on Rocky Horror, Will would just get right into rehearsing for that. I meant to give this heads up sooner, but... I failed. But now for some announcements:

Paulina and Saskia, I owe you both semi-sexy times with Will and Tina. I was thinking of throwing up a thread either today or tomorrow. Just lemme know what works best for both of you and your characters.

Nicole, I can't remember if we agreed that Carl would still be playing the role of Eddie. I could just go check... but I'm lazy. If we did though, that's cool. I just wanted to make sure. And because Paulina and I decided something kind of inappropriate should happen with Emma and Schue, we should also work out when Carl confronts him about this.

Krista, since Devon's audition was right in the middle of them working on Rocky Horror, he would have introduced Devon to the club as a new member, but would not have subjected him to having to learn the entire show in a few days. So, if it's cool with you, Devon will simply be a party-goer. Because the Time Warp is not hard to learn.

Same as above with Janessa. Also, Paulina, we didn't really get a chance to talk about what Janessa would have done for her Glee audition. I'm sure she got in, but if we could just get an idea of what went down at her audition, that would be awesome. Thanks.

And last but not least, Flyers have been put up around town, and the very watered down Rocky Horror Picture Show is being performed on Saturday. And because I really should have done this sooner, I need to ask if having a Friday dress rehearsal in the evening will majorly conflict with any of your characters involved in the play? If so, then the dress rehearsal will be today during the regular Glee meeting. Mods, are we going with the Sue plot from RHGS? If both of you don't really mind either way, then we can all just pretend it didn't happen. However, if the dramz is what you're after, that's cool too. Just lemme know.

That's all I can think of right now... enjoy the eye candy. :D


[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

new character alert!

Hey everyone, we have a new original character: Preston ([info]smthngabtcellos), played by Megan.

Friending button has been updated! :)