November 3rd, 2010

[info]azimio in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hey all, I wanted to say sorry for not doing too much with good ol' Milton here. I've been fighting off the cold from hell for the past week (three days of a sore throat, coughing so much my diaphragm aches, unable to breathe through my nose, sleeping non-stop, calling in sick (or going in to work drugged up and chatting up EVERYONE in my antihistamine high... including my new boss O_o)). Kurt's fairly easy to get inside the head of, but Milton takes a bit more effort, since I'm not as... bullying? as he.

That being said, I'd like to get back into trolling journals with this thug. But I feel horrible picking on you guys, because you're all awesome. So how about you let me know if you want to be picked on/give me ideas of how Azimio could best hurt your characters?

Also, to all the new kids: it takes some time for Milton to actively dislike you, so you're spared. For now. Unless you really piss him off...

Notes: Azimio will not throw a girl in a dumpster or physically attack her aside from a slushie (unless she's wearing a dress of champagne bubbles). He will also be reluctant to do that to a cripple.