November 5th, 2010

[info]smthngabtcellos in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hello, I'm Megan and I'm bringing in a new kid for you all to play with. I will admit I'm rather nervous; although I always appear to be when I join a new game and the like.

Anyway, I'd like to introduce you all to Preston Sheppard the II. He's grown up in Lima his whole life but has kept to himself quite a bit, his parents aren't around all that often leaving him to himself and the like, so it might explain why he's rather shy and tends to just prefer solitude to anything else. Anyway, if you'd like to read his bio of sorts, it's here in his profile. Also, being on a bit of the higher class he might have potentially heard of Quinn or Santana (based on their parents' backgrounds and the like) however he wouldn't really know the girls themselves at all; if that is an issue please do let me know, I would just assume that his parents might have heard of them is all.

Um; I'm always up for plotting, really. Anything at all, you can catch me on my own personal AIM which is: lovers sonata or on Preston's which is prstnjshpprd.

I'm excited to start playing, so hopefully my own shyness will wear off shortly and I do apologize for the lengthy post.

[info]jazhands in [info]mckinley_ooc


Hey, you guys. :)
Just wanted to let you know, since I forgot to include it in my last post, that I finally have AIM - leiatrenn and jazshaughnessy. Feel free to talk to me anytime. I'm really excited about the game, and I'd love to hear from you. xD