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Oct. 15th, 2015


To: Pepper Potts
From: Tony Stark
Date: 10/15/2015

You have new messages )

To: Steve Rogers
From: Tony Stark
Date: 10/15/2015

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Characters: Tony Stark narrative
NPCs: None
Location: Stark Industries
Timeline: 15th of October.
Description: Tony figures something out in the fight against AIM.
Rating: PG

It was surreal being back in here. )

Sep. 13th, 2015


[Open to all Servers]

This Steve Jobs movie actually looks pretty good, though it also looks like the sort of movie that continues to try and push the fact that success is a sacrifice, and that following your dreams means you're an asshole. It kind of pisses me off. Sure, Jobs had his moments where he was a bit cruel, a jackass, and stepped on people to get to the top. But so did every single billionaire there's ever been. Do you know why? Because you have too.

Everyone in those positions will push you down, the business world is a competition, and if you're not willing to strike when you get the chance, you'll get buried and left behind. The man was a tech genius, and unlike one of the lines from the trailer, what you make does define you. Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Nikolas Tesla, all of these people? It defined them. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan? It defined them, and they stepped on people to get to the top. It doesn't make them good people, it makes them smart people.

It's a bit insulting to say that someone chasing their dreams, and going and getting their dreams is somehow a bad thing. We tell our children that, so why is it a bad thing when we do?

Aug. 19th, 2015


Characters: Peter Parker and Tony Stark
NPCs: Jarvis probably.
Location: Peter's Aunt's place
Timeline: 08/19/2015
Description: Tony talks with Peter
Rating: PG-13 to be safe

It was worth over $500,000, but he wouldn't tell Peter that. )

Aug. 2nd, 2015


Characters: Tony Stark
NPCs: Obadiah Stane
Timeline: Sunday afternoon
Location: Sushi Nakazawa
Description: Tony and Obadiah have a business discussion
Rating: PG-13ish

Tony wanted to make sure this was publicized )

Jul. 31st, 2015


Characters: Tony and Pepper
NPCs: Jarvis?
Timeline: July 31st
Locations: Tony's apartment
Description: Tony attempts to cook
Rating: We'll say medium for Tony being Tony.

Lookin for a something to help me burn out bright )



To: Obadiah Stane
From: Tony Stark
Date: 7/31/2015

New message )

Jul. 12th, 2015


To: Peter Parker
From: Tony Stark
Date: 7/12/2015

You have new messages )

To: Pepper
From: Tony
Date: 7/12/2015

You have new messages )

To: Obadiah Stane
From: Tony Stark
Date: 7/12/2015

You have new messages )

Jun. 28th, 2015


Characters: Tony and Pepper
NPCs: Jarvis likely.
Location: Tony's high rise apartment
Timeline: After the fight with Cap
Description: Tony's reflecting, somber, and probably drunk.
Rating: PG-13 for likely language, and drunkenness.

Where to go from here )

Jun. 2nd, 2015


Thread: Shields & Suits of Armor

Characters: Steve Rogers & Tony Stark
Location: Tony's apartment
Timeline: May 31, 2015 [morning/backdated]
Description: SHIELD sends Steve to take Tony's suit. It ain't gonna be pretty.
Rating: PG-13 for violence and language.

Steve had the misfortune of stepping into Tony's place, likely unwelcome, and carrying a government order to take possession of the Iron Man suit. )

Jun. 1st, 2015


Characters: OPEN to EVERYONE
NPCs: --
Location: Tony's apartment
Timeline: [Backdated to Saturday 5/30/2015]
Description: Tony's big party
Rating: PG-13

Read more... )

May. 16th, 2015


To: Pepper and Peter
From: Tony
Date: 5/16/2015

You have new messages )

May. 12th, 2015


All networks.

So the last time I promised a party, I ended up meeting up with people in Malibu for a weekend, then went to Tokyo. So I never got the party started, total failure I know. So here's the deal, we're going to have a real party. A big one, a big end of the school season bash. And that party will be epic, and amazing, and rated M for partial nudity, and maybe full nudity.

It'll be huge, and i promise to do something extra fun for ALL of you in this one. Oh, I assure you, you'll love it.

Apr. 22nd, 2015


Thread: The Dating Game - Jean & Tony

Characters: Jean Grey and Tony Stark
NPCs: Waitstaff, etc.
Location: Ritzy rooftop restaurant
Timeline: TBD (she's got a lot of dates to juggle, folks!)
Description: Tony takes Jean out on a date in true Tony Stark fashion.
Rating: PG-13, will update if needed

She couldn't help but wonder who was making that kind of an effort for a blind date. )

Apr. 13th, 2015


thread; pepperony

Characters: Pepper Potts & Tony Stark
NPCs: J.A.R.V.I.S.
Location: Tony's's apartment
Timeline: 4/13/15
Description: Pepper catches up with Tony and it will probably go bad.
Rating: PG

We need to talk. )


Thread: Drinks and Things

Characters: Natasha Romanoff & Tony Stark
NPCs: Bartender
Location: The Delancey
Timeline: April 10, evening
Description: Natasha meets up with Tony for drinks.
Rating: TBD

She half expected him to maybe come late, and she didn't mind so long as he actually showed. )

Apr. 10th, 2015



To: Clint
From: Natasha
Date: April 10

Inbox [1] )

To: Tony
From: Natasha
Date: April 10

Inbox [1] )

Mar. 29th, 2015


The party's set up. For all of you.

My place, April 4th, 7pm-all night. No real theme, come as you want, as you will, and get drunk. Top-notch DJ hired, lights later this week, no buy in, no cover, just make sure when you do show up that it's to have fun and not stand in the corner drinking by yourself.

Mar. 25th, 2015


Sue Storm is single.
1 hour ago · Like · Comment
View all comments.

Mar. 13th, 2015


Characters: Mentions of Tony and Howard
Timeline: 03/13/2015
Description: TMZ Article from Paris

They can do the mourning for me. )

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