Aug. 10th, 2014


Phone Call

Characters: Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Dr. Nathaniel Essex - Mr. Sinister
Location: Phone Call
Timeline: 8/10
Description: Remy receives a call from his employer with word that he is to head back to NY
Rating: PG-13

You belong to me now. The time for choosing sides is over. )

Jul. 5th, 2014


Narrative: Turn and face the strange

Characters: Madelyne Pryor
NPCs: Dr. Nathaniel Essex
Location: Essex Labs
Timeline: July 5th - Evening
Description: Maddy learns the truth about herself.
Rating: PG

Her mind was struggling to fight something her body knew. )

May. 18th, 2014


Thread: Jean Therapy

Characters: Jean Grey & Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Dr. Nathaniel Essex
Location: Essex labs
Timeline: 5/12 (backdated)
Description: Remy takes Jean to get some help with her powers.
Rating: PG-13

Despite herself, she was having a hard time finding hope. )

May. 1st, 2014


Narrative: When Business Gets Personal

Characters: Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Dr. Nathaniel Essex
Location: Rooftop, Somewhere in Manhattan, NY
Timeline: May 1
Description: Remy gets a call from Essex who has some dire news concerning Jean Grey and the fiery cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force.
Rating: PG-13

You will bring her to me. )

Oct. 30th, 2013


Thread: Lost & Found. (Logan and Remy)

Characters: Logan & Remy
NPCs: Dr. Essex
Location: Outside Dr. Essex's
Timeline: October 30, 2013
Description: Logan's tracked down Remy to a strange building and brings him home.
Rating: PG-13, language

Looking for a Cajun that I know is still here. )


Narrative: Mad Scientist

Characters: Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Nathaniel Essex/Mr. Sinister (and clone!clone!Jean G--Maddy Pryor. Keep up.)
Location: Essex Labs, Unknown
Timeline: 10/30/13
Description: Powers restored to manageable levels, Remy learns why Dr. Essex was so willing to help and he is told a surprising truth about his mysterious past.
Rating: PG-13

Walk with me. )

Oct. 26th, 2013


Narrative: Grounded

Characters: Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Dr. Nathaniel Essex
Location: Essex Estate, Unknown
Timeline: 10/24 [backdated] after THIS
Description: Gambit can't catch a break because he won't take one
Rating: PG-13

Just after sending the last message, the phone was pulled from his fingertips by an invisible force. )

Oct. 18th, 2013


Group Thread: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny (Any & All!)

Characters: Any & Everyone that can fight or wants to
NPCs: Charles Xavier, Ares, Sentinels & Eventually [REDACTED]
Location: New York City, NY, Various Areas
Timeline: October 19, 2013 [FORWARD-DATED]
Description: Ares comes for Xavier and finds that the Professor is stronger than he anticipated.
Rating: NSFW? Possible violence, definite mind-whamming.
OOC: There are parts of the city under attack. Subthread as needed, preferably in groups. Take down those sentinels!

A war was brewing and this battle would determine if it would end now or if there would be more fighting to come. )

Oct. 16th, 2013


Narrative: (Re)introductions

Characters: Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Dr. Nathaniel Essex
Location: Essex Labs, undisclosed location
Timeline: Morning of 10/16
Description: Remy meets with the geneticist who is supposed to be able to fix his powers, and everything about it feels wrong. But it's the only option he had left.
Rating: PG-13

Do you believe in fate? )

January 2016




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