Jul. 4th, 2015


Narrative: Seeds of Dissent

Characters: John Allerdyce
NPCs: John's Agent Mystique
Location: John's Apartment
Timeline: June 30, 2015 [backdated]
Description: John's agent has a secret, reveals her secret, and John is made an offer he likely won't refuse.
Rating: PG

So you think because I didn't run to put on some tights that I'm going to turn my back on all of them? )
Tags: ,

Apr. 24th, 2012


Thread: The Demise of Asteroid M

Characters: Asteroid M Folks and SHIELD People!
NPCs: Mystique, various other randoms
Location: Asteroid M, which is over an ocean and yet not over Atlantis.
Timeline: Tuesday 24 April 2012
Description: Look! A bunch of people on a slowly yet dramatically sinking ship asteroid! Let’s be big damn heroes and save them all, lest we be inflicted with a James Cameron movie with a Celine Dion soundtrack!
Rating: Medium-ish?
Notes: Subthread as needed. You know the drill.

We’re going to crash! Evacuate! )

Mar. 30th, 2012


Well, shit.

Characters: --
NPCs: Mystique! And some Genoshan flatscans
Timeline: March 29, 2012 - evening [backdated]
Location: Genosha! Outside one of the prison camps
Rating: M for Mutant!

Get down! Get down on the ground! Now! )

Jan. 2nd, 2012


Startin' the year off with a bang!

Characters: Open to reactions
NPCs: Magneto, Mystique, New Yorkers, etc.
Timeline: Saturday, January 2, 2012 [late afternoon]
Location: The Brooklyn Bridge, New York
Description: Magneto destroys the Brooklyn Bridge.
OOC: Open to reactions of people watching the events play out on the news or if anyone wants to play hero and help people evacuate the bridge that's cool too. :)
Rating: M for Mutant. (But really, probably R.)

Too long have my peopled suffered at the hands of them that would think us subservient. )


Dec. 31st, 2011



Characters: --
NPCs: MAGNETO. MYSTIQUE. And Ryan Seacrest
Timeline: Saturday, December 31, 2011 - evening time
Location: UNKNOWN. But really, on the TV. Cyberspace. The world media, that sort of thing.
Description: Magneto threatens unspeakable horrors if the Genosha mutants aren't freed!
Rating: PG-13?

My name is Erik Lensherr. And I am a mutant. )

January 2016




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