January 3rd, 2022




The first week in January always feels like an extended holiday hangover.

New Year's Day is always the worst because it is like the holidays are over which is both sad and also a relief.

Also, there is always this sense of "now what" when a play concludes. You spent months practicing and then you perform and it is a huge high. But after, you don't know what to do with yourself.

So you audition again. Acting is addicting that way. The sad part is, I'm not sure if I will be able to commit to the next one. Ah well. Life is life, I guess.

What is everyone's thoughts on New Year's Resolutions? Have you ever successfully completed one? What are yours this year if you make them?

I make the same one every year -- be better. Because that seems to feel vague enough to be attainable.

[Private to Joaco]

How are you hanging in there?
I heard a few things and I think it is just gossip
Do you want to go dog walking?
Just tell me what you know about Gaius. It is driving me nuts

Do you have your new room set up yet?