September 5th, 2021




WHO: Joaco & Faihan
WHEN: September 1, Evening
WHERE: From Azúcar to the Crown
SUMMARY: PART ONE: An attempt at making friends.

''Your face is telling me you want me gone again, do you want me to do that?'' )




WHO: Joaco & Faihan
WHEN: September 1, Evening
WHERE: From the Crown to Faihan's Apartment
SUMMARY: PART TWO: A mysterious cat appears.

''I swear they think they are little overlords, each one of them.'' )



O for fuck's sake Maritza
Is this where
Is this where?this is my first time well can you just do it
You should be able Hoopohu prints pop be do ostrich feathers in the sky to getting Odinga being a boo

She thinks she's the boss of the whole island. Want her your. Maritza for dinner tomorrow google speak chorizo motivation vegetable lasagna salad Milton no I need chocolate and wine love Christ like I love shit putting a female go to and he doesn't live with that is really nice check and for fuck's sake Martiza

How do you think I am in Vanka trump
This is my first time well can you just—

[OOC: the above, in English (sort of), is clearly some kind of voice-to-text. It will be public for about an hour, before it mysteriously disappears from the network. The below is added later, in Spanish.]

So [...] what's the craziest thing you've ever done?

Filtered: Wren )