17 September 2009 at 04:31 pm
...to all-

[ Nina sounds horrible, to be blunt - some odd combination of exhausted and depressed. However, she clears her throat and tries again. ]

To all new inmates... my name is- [ And she gives up on the speech. ]

My name is Nina Einstein. Welcome to Marina Asylum.

[ A text message with a single hyperlink flashes over every communicator.

She stays silent for a few seconds, and then enables a private message EXCEPT NOT HERPDERP ]

FAILED Private to Euphie: cut for extreme tl,dr; )
04 August 2009 at 09:52 pm

[ The girl clears her throat, and begins to actually speak up. You can almost hear the smile in her voice. ]

Good morning, everyone. My name- my name's Nina Einstein, and I've been working on an information site to answer questions for the other inmates here.

[ This link flashes on everyone's communicator in text. ]

I... I know it's not very far in, yet, but I'll be doing more research now that we've relocated. Anyone that has any findings you'd like to submit, please do - th-there's a comments section on the site itself.

-O-oh! And, um, if you have any questions you need to ask... you can ask here or submit them on the site, and I'll answer them as soon as possible.

[ Her voice has been growing more and more flustered - she's clearly unused to speaking to a large group of people for such a long time. ]

Uh, um, ah... thank you!

[ The feed clicks off - to everyone but Sentience. ]

Private to Sentience // Unhackable )
[ 10 ] [ action / closed ]
01 August 2009 at 11:41 pm
[ Carmen said she-- Nina-- was in the club. So Euphemia blindly goes; running along as fast as she can, she's breathing hard by the time she reaches the entrance and is suddenly struck by anxiety. How should she talk to Nina? Will she want to know Euphemia's answer to-- to that right away?

She enters, thoughts a mess, and looks around-- but when she catches sight of Nina's smaller frame... all other thoughts are thrown aside and she can't help but to rush close and to give her a big hug. ]

Nina! I was-- I was so worried! You're really here!
[ video ]
01 August 2009 at 01:49 pm
Tche, and what sort of bullshit is this?

[She gives a snort, glaring out at something not seen on the camera before those icy blue eyes seem to refocus.]

Obviously I am no longer in Central, let alone at Headquarters. How this was accomplished without my knowledge... Enjoy the Marina Asylum facility. As if that is supposed to make any sense. Crimes? Ha. Just give me back my damned sword and I'll show you crimes. If your soiled hands have touched an Armstrong heirloom…

Well? I assume I'm not completely surrounded by idiots and halfwits. If someone of some intelligence could provide some more reasonable answers...
31 July 2009 at 01:04 pm
[ At precisely 6:06 PM, there is a reasonable amount of liquor back in the club. ]

[ As well as one very, very groggy Nina Einstein. ]

[ She has been informed by Carmen not to tell anyone what they were up to. And that Carmen will indeed know if Nina talks. And well, Euphemia is very nice leverage, considering. ]


[Voice//Heavily Encrypted//Private to Euphemia]

I would be careful with what you say to Lelouch.

I have returned her for now, but if you don't play along, anything could happen.
[Action | Closed]
29 July 2009 at 12:05 am
[It's impossible to tell where Nina is. There are no windows, just some dust lights. The computers Carmen stole have been ripped apart, and there is metal and circuitry lying around, as well as welding materials, when Nina comes to.]

[Carmen is sitting at a wooden table, her face shadowed, going through information on a laptop, looking impatient.]

[Nina's wrists are tied, but not tight. She doesn't want to harm the girl. She needs her, after all.]
#000001 // Voice // Private to Euphie
28 July 2009 at 11:23 pm
[ The audio feed clicks on to a rather confused silence. (Yes, that is possible.) After a few seconds, a quiet, tired voice peeps up. ]


[ It sounds confused, weary, and apologetic all at once. ]

Euphie, are you there? I don't... I don't really know what happened. But- but I think -

[ What she thinks is irrelevant - her voice is suddenly muffled. There's the small, muted sounds of a tiny struggle - and then silence.

The feed clicks off. ]