13 January 2012 at 03:32 am
Road Kamelot ♪ Lady ♪ Noah
Belle's missing. [hello, we are not pleased.] I want her back. Whoever took her should return her to me now before something horrible happens.

[to you? to Belle? Road scowls at the camera before shutting it off.]

[ooc: I will be slow ;-; perhaps very]
[voice / action]
13 January 2012 at 10:22 am
Flynn Scifo
[Flynn leans in close and squints a little to see the list of defense force patrols, and then. sighs. ...yeah, this isn't great. but he's reluctant to get glasses, too. because... well...]

[voice / filtered from Yuri / I wonder who he's talking about]
Have you ever been in a situation where... you don't want to do something because a friend would laugh at you -- but if they knew you were hiding it, they'd laugh even more? [awkward silence]
[ video | action ]
13 January 2012 at 01:32 pm
Hashiba Touma/Tenku no Touma
[VIDEO | Closed to Nasuti]

Hey, uh... Nasuti? You busy?

[It had actually taken him all day to come around to actually doing this...]


[ACTION | Open prior to Nasuti's arrival]

[So he was standing there a little ways off from the ice cream place... yes, ice cream. So what it if was cold. He looked like he was waiting for someone. Looking around, up, down, scuffling his feet. Care to bother him?]
Mood: anxious
[Mail Post | Day 149]
13 January 2012 at 10:45 pm
PM ♕ Prospitian Monarch
  • Miwako: a letter from Sanji.

  • Flynn Scifo: a package from Xerxes Break.
  • Tamaki Suou: a package from Orihime Inoue.

  • MOMO & Tsuna
  • Shinwoo & Sakura

[With snow on the ground, you would think that the route would be a little more difficult. But no, a little bit of snow will not stop the mail! Or even slow it down, really. Not even if PM stops to gently shuffle fresh snow around, or even to form a snowball and casually toss it up into the air.]

[Just ignore the time where it splats on her head instead of being caught or falling harmlessly to the ground.]

[Click here for pen pal signups. Mail submissions for Day 150 go here!]
[Action | Closed]
13 January 2012 at 11:21 pm
Lyle Dylandy
[Lyle glances back into the kitchen to make sure that Anew isn't looking as he slides something into his coat pocket - also to make sure she isn't currently in the middle of something that couldn't wait. Neil had let him know that it was going to be up tonight so that meant tonight is the night. He leaves his coat hanging up so as not to seem too eager]

Come on, Babe. Neil told me there's something that we've got to see.

[He walks back towards the kitchen to meet her there, dodging a haro that was heading off somewhere else]

[ooc: With Pip's permission, Neil has done something special at Lyle's request... shhh... it's a secret. I'll update what it is, I promise]