[ State of the Apps ]
30 July 2011 at 10:18 am
Marina Asylum Mods
Apps are opening Sunday!

They will close the Sunday evening after (8/7/2011!) and will be closed until the end of August! So if you're working on apps, and you want to be in this batch, then you should get your apps in next week or for one month hold your peace.

And as a reminder, activity check will be going up on Monday. Every character in the game must respond unless the mun is on an announced hiatus and not tagging for the whole week of the AC.

Mini-meme: Are you planning to app someone? Watching a new series you might be interested in apping from? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time for a villain"? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time to DROP THEM ALL"? Tell us about it in the comments and get feedback/enabling/plotting! Prospective players too!
30 July 2011 at 10:39 am
Yuuki Kuran

Need to just extend my hiatus into another two or three weeks. RL has become a crazy mess of craziness. Also I'm moving and in the process of packing and getting everything together. I can't promise any sort of solid activity and may be without internet for a short period of time. So I think that it is best that I simply call an official one for all of my pups.

Might be able to get a few tags in here and there. And if I can come back early I will. I have a short thing with Shiki and C.C. tonight. Also if needed somewhere right now I can try to whip out some tags or backdate. But likely after tomorrow and maybe even partly then I'm going to be pretty MIA.

Stay cool though, Marina! Gonna TRY and keep up with plurk, if possible. So through email and there you should be able to find me.
[Fourth Wall Event!]
30 July 2011 at 12:56 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
On day 128 (August 15-22), random individuals who have been or are being investigated by the justice system will begin appearing in the dome! This will actively be moving the plot of the game forward, and an IC post explaining why it's happening will be made in advance of the event beginning.

The weekend before the event, we'll put up another post about it to start the actual management part.

Guidelines for the event:

1) You can play almost anything! AU characters, characters with memories from other games or the open meme or previous fourth walls, dropped Marina characters, original characters, characters we would normally reject for being underage, characters already in the game -- in addition to anyone else you could normally app! We do however ask that you not play real people.

2) There is no limit on the amount of characters you can bring in. You can do as many as you feel comfortable playing simultaneously.

3) The power level of the characters you bring in will be very low. Incoming characters may experience nausea, lack of coordination, dizziness, distorted sight or hearing, and once they recover, will find that attempting to use their abilities will bring these symptoms back.

4) Incoming characters will be equipped with a communicator, and will lose any weapons on their person. But they will still have anything else they were carrying at the time / any injuries they had / etc.

5) For our existing players, please be aware that playing random people for this event does not justify inactivity for August! Don't spend more than a week tagging with six character journals whose activity doesn't count. "I was busy fouth-walling" will not be a valid excuse for failing the AC.

6) Please be considerate of the fact that this is a canon event and everyone will remember it afterward. We'd appreciate it if you would not plan anything disruptive without consulting castmates and mods, or bring in characters exclusively to create massive amounts of trouble.

7) Characters apped at the beginning of September will be given the option to retain their 4th wall memories -- including AU characters, OCs, or characters with other game memories, provided they had several threads of 8 comments or more during the event to go off of. (Multiple posts not required.) In this instance, we will be waiving the "previous Marina experience needed" requirement for these kinds of characters. However, you will still not be allowed to bring in duplicates from the same canon, underage characters, or animals without the ability to communicate.

8) 4th wall journals will be invited to join the community and allowed to make their own posts. We advise you copy-paste and fill in at least the following on your journal profile or in a post. We also encourage you to have a contact post on your journal.

If players experience any trolling, god-moding, or otherwise lame experiences during the event, please contact the mods ASAP so we can keep track of it or respond to it. Do not feed trolls; again, this is a canon event and will have canon consequences, so if you experience someone coming in and announcing that their character kills everyone with his mind-lasers, just ignore and tag someone else until the mods can make them go away. It didn't happen!

If you have any questions, please ask them here. Otherwise, feel free to use this post for plotting / taunting / enabling!

Links for this event:
Monday, 8/15 | Tuesday, 8/16 | Wednesday, 8/17 | Thursday, 8/18
Friday, 8/19 | Saturday, 8/20 | Sunday, 8/21
Hiatus extension
30 July 2011 at 03:31 pm
Kamui Shirou ✡ 神威 司狼
I'm gonna have to extend my hiatus another week-ish, here. I'm really sorry this is taking so long, folks.