04 June 2011 at 02:05 pm
I've been debating this for a while!! "This" being my choice of character. In other words, dropping Oz! His voice is a bit of a difficult thing for me, and in a panfandom setting I don't feel comfortable at all with him.

SO instead of wibbling over every tag and constantly canon reviewing (my PH volumes have been opened up like at least three times everyday oh my god), I'm going to drop him now. That means I'm out of Marina, but I'll be back soon enough hopefully!

I apologize for everyone who I've flaked on--you were all wonderful for the short time I was actually active with Oz, but when tagging with a character becomes more tedious and stressful than actually fun, I can't will up the motivation to tag.

So that's [info]vessalius out. Thanks, guys. ♥
04 June 2011 at 08:41 pm

- Go to your first big con
- Party Hard
- Almost go broke
- Party HARDER
- Come home
- Crash for almost three days solid
- Get awakened by a phone call reminding you you're leaving town again come the 10th
- ???????

Yeah, that's basically been my week. So, I've been running around like a headless chicken, cleaning up the general debris that has become my house this past semester. Semi hiatus till the 9th, full-blown hiatus from the 10th to the 15th. I will get my activity check done first. Two days to do it... This is gonna suck.