[ Current Player Intro Post! ]
05 June 2011 at 06:24 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Apps are closed!

We've been reviewing the apps and will shortly get out comments to each apper! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:

  • Who you are

  • Who you play and who you apped

  • Maybe a little of what they're like

  • How we can contact you

  • Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.
Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water.....
05 June 2011 at 10:34 pm
Hoshigaki Kisame
Hello! My name is Infy, and I'm seafood meat fresh off the grill, served up to you by our lovely Kathrine and Tsu; you can blame them for any trouble I end up causing.

I'm bringing in Hoshigaki Kisame from Naruto, Itachi's faithful partner, at about the point that Taka starts working with Akatsuki. To be brief, Kisame is a hardened rogue criminal who's a part of Akatsuki, a group of international criminal terrorists who are generally feared throughout the world in his canon because, as Gaara so eloquently put it in canon, they're hardcore. He probably does deserve to be in prison. In spite of that, and the fact that he looks like a monstrous sharkman/merfolk, Kisame's actually quite friendly and polite most of the time--he's cheerful, nice, helpful, considerate, a very good listener, incredibly loyal, hates lies, and more than anything else just wants to live openly, honestly, faithfully, and with trust both given and taken, somewhere he can belong. He's kind of sensitive about his looks, though. Also, he's a swordsman by trade who owns a sentient, energy-devouring, gigantic sword, which he'll be missing very much.

At any rate, I'm very open to CR and plotting and whatnot, so I'd love to hear from any of you! You can hit me up at Infinity Pikachu on AIM, or Infychu on Plurk at any time, but I'd appreciate it if you warned me of who you are and how you know me, so I'm not left flailing awkwardly. You can probably expect my IC intro to come up on Wednesday; I'll probably edit this post to include a link to it, once it's up. Thanks, I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!

Edit: Kisame's intro post is up! Just voice at first, to keep people from gawking right off the bat, but he can easily switch to video later. Come bother him~ ♥
Mood: chipper
Newb Alert!
05 June 2011 at 11:19 pm
Well hello there, motherfuckers. What's all shakin and bakin, doggs? Y'all up and havin a wicked mirthful time?

Good. Cuz I'm Gnome, and this circus is about to get real dark.

That's right, the ringleader of the Dark Carnival, Gamzee from the ever popular wecomic, Homestuck, has entered the asylum, and he's gonna be bringing the miracles.

HONK honk HONK bipches. ;o)