breaks hiatus
04 March 2011 at 04:35 pm
Okay so I've got my computer back! Just posting to say -- no more hiatus!! that was short.

By the way, I have a plurk if anyone wants to add me!!!
Firefox 4 / LJ Login
04 March 2011 at 06:31 pm
Suzaku Kururugi
It's apparently in the plans to make a new version of LJ Login that's compatible with Firefox 4, and I don't blame the guy for not working on it right now when Firefox 4 is still in beta -- but if you're using the beta, or would be using the beta if not for the loss of your beloved LJLogin, I uh hacked it a tiny bit. (Editing the version number was easy; figuring out which item to give a background color, now that everything is transparent by default, was trickier.)

Download here! The official version is now out! Here!

Again, this is just for people using the beta, but it should be compatible with Firefox 4's final release... should be. (I'm so glad they added back in the "addon bar", which is where the LJLogin shows up.)

ETA: Scribbld support now also fixed. This is apparently in the works for the official 2.1.5 release, buuuuut until that comes along...
where one goes...
04 March 2011 at 09:31 pm
Similar to Ruka-mun, I originally was really eager to play here, as well as getting the chance to play Akatsuki. Unfortunately the motivation has faded, and I've been having more difficulties than I anticipated, especially seeing as he is a brand new character for me.

So, I'll be heading out as well. You're all a great group, and especially welcoming. Apologies to the VK cast, in particular. You guys are awesome, and it was a ton of fun to play with you despite the brief time.

Take care, Marina. ♥
04 March 2011 at 11:14 pm
I initially really wanted to play here and really wanted to play Ruka, but my drive totally dried up. Regrettable, since I found the player-base to be very friendly and the game pace to be very reasonable for me. But I just don't have the energy to devote to learning a new character.

So Ruka is heading back home. Sorry to my canonmates, you guys are a very strong and incredible cast. I wish I could've played with you all a lot more than I did. :/

Bye, guys.