/nervous wave
06 January 2011 at 07:14 am
Hello, my name is Manda and I'm brand spanking new here.  I'm bringing in this serious young woman, Erza Scarlet from the manga Fairy Tail.  She's strong; she's fierce and...due to the power limits, she's probably going to be naked.. <<;;.  At least until she gets her hands on some real clothes that she doesn't have to 'requip'.  ^^;;  She's also a mage and an excellent swordswoman but has a soft heart if you can manage to get down to it.  She's from the current arc and won't be very happy to be here at all.

I'm looking forward to playing with you guys, I've heard wonderful things about playing here.  My email is dragonofhonor@gmail.com and AIM is made0fphailz for plotting purposes or just to talk.  8)
sure is Homestuck in here
06 January 2011 at 05:28 pm
So, after spending like half a year trying to find my own nose the post button, here I am! What up?

I'm Catie, and I'm a total newbie when it comes to RP games. I've been stalking this game for absolute ages, though, and I had to give it a shot! It looks like so much fun in here.

This dude is the Wayward Vagabond from Homestuck (MSPA), and for those who know the canon, he's from immediately following John's ascent to God Tier. He's a stubborn, impatient little fellow with a good heart and big dreams, and he'll be very glad to meet most of you once he's gotten over the shock of capture.

My e-mail is catierowley@mac.com, and my IM is the same. I'm excited to be playing here, and I'm looking forward to threading with you guys! You're all really cool, in case you didn't know.
06 January 2011 at 07:21 pm
I meant to put this up a while ago, but I haven't had internet access for a few days, sorry about that.

I'm calling a hiatus for a while, due to life kicking me around like a football. I doubt it'll be more than a couple weeks, so assume Jun's doing his classes and his patrols as need be. If I'm desperately needed for something, poke Jun's HMD or here and I'll try to get it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
06 January 2011 at 10:20 pm
Emil Castagnier
Leaving for the weekend to the land of no internet. Later guys o/