Amusing Screenshots
10 August 2010 at 10:28 am
Duo Maxwell
Just a couple screenshots I thought were amusing and I wanted to share. This one's kinda old, but the matching icons made me lol.

Cut for Image )

And then I got this one today. Note who I'm signed in as and Tweak's quote. XD

And here's image 2! )

Mood: amused
10 August 2010 at 01:15 pm
Calling a slowatus from now until August 21st! 

I'm at Colorado visiting family. I'm surrounded by trees! Is this what people would call a forest? 8D? ... Okay I'm not that much of a city dweller. Anyway. There is internet! But it is very slow and very frustrating. ): Cas doesn't get out that much so... there shouldn't be a huge change. Tags will be super duper slow, though. And it looks like I can't get into posts with more than 100 replies ahhh. *keeps tabs open forever*

I'm going to be so sad if I end up missing like, half of 4th wall. lmfaosdfa OKAY WE DOIN' THIS.
BIA = Back In Action?
10 August 2010 at 03:37 pm
*sigh* It's always hectic when Mum breezes home for a visit...she tends to line up all these family commitments and seems to disapprove of large amounts of time spent on the computer.

Anyway, she flew back to Europe on Sunday, and I started back at Semester 2 of Uni on Monday - which MEANS things are relatively back to normal.

I didn't take hiatus like I probably should have the last couple weeks, but just letting everyone know I'm properly back, and will be catching up/posting/spamming chat as usual from this evening (right after I get back from grocery shopping, lol).
Drop / Leaving
10 August 2010 at 10:53 pm
So this is just a brief good bye to all.

I gave it what I could but it's time for Sayori to go. She hasn't done so well on recent activity checks and I don't have the heart to re-app her. As she was my only character in the game, that means I'm also gone from Marina.

Thank you to all who played with her while she was here! I appreciated the tags and threads and had a good time, especially in the last few weeks. If anyone would like to keep in touch, my email is

Bye Marina, it was fun.