Ridin' on the wave - slowatus.
23 February 2010 at 09:57 am

As Billy Joel once said: IIIIIIIIIIII'M MOVIN' OUT!

That's right, the sick girl is moving out of her parents' place and striking out on her own. I'm so excited I could split in half. But there's going to be packing, furniture buying, moving, etc - so I can't guarantee my availability. Also I'm not sure if I'll get free internet there, so there may be a delay while I get internet set up. But I'll do my best.

Affects Reira and the incoming Rei Ayanami, if I ever get my app written in all the madness ;_;

Yay, a happy slowatus!
Mood: giddy
23 February 2010 at 12:33 pm
So this is Matt. As many of you know, my mom is very sick.

... They're sending her home from the hospital, it seems. That's the good news.

The bad news is that she's going to need constant, 24-hour care.

... I'll still be around, but probably slower than I already am. I haven't been told anything officially, but... no one ever seems to, so. :|

I don't know when I'm not going to be on slowatus, so consider this slowatus indefinite. (Well, I know when, but I don't know when it will be, if that makes any sense.)

This affects:

[info]yoraederp Ryu and [info]cursedmemory Naoya.
23 February 2010 at 05:54 pm
黒鋼 (Kurogane)
HAI GAIZ. Remember me? Fishbone?

I had work+breakdown+RL fun steal me away again but I'm back! ^^;; Belatedly taking my place in that crazy auction thread too with Kurogane, so pop in if you feel like it! Even just to point and laugh at the grumpy man.

Sad to say I'm dropping Mori and Zoro. Yamamoto, Kurogane, and Logan are still here though and I'll be working at increasing activity with them.

Remember, I'm Aceonist on AIM if you need me! And hello to all you new people I've missed!
Mood: accomplished
Music: David Cook
/jumps on bandwagon and breaks it because I'm fat
23 February 2010 at 08:01 pm
Sakura Kinomoto

Okay peoplez, I'll have to take a hiatus starting from tomorrow till - hopefully Sunday, but if not that on Monday. I'm going to Cherry Hill in southern New Jersey for the Deca states competition. slkjfsld I don't even know how I qualified (aka I just did whatever on the written test and roleplays AHAHHA role plays)

WHICH MEANS I'll be away from a computer for most of the time. My roommate's bringing her laptop, but she'll probably won't let me use it cause she has to write this paper - blahhhh

THIS AFFECTS: Road Kamelot [info]impaledcandles , Sailor Venus [info]dutiful_love , Faith [info]five_byfive , Sakura [info]sakurangel , Anya [info]screenedmemory , and Ioryogi [info]angrybluething

Will do massive backtagging on Monday so~ REMEMBER I L U GAIZ.
Mood: anxious
Dating Auction Wrap Up
23 February 2010 at 11:46 pm
Euphemia li Britannia
Hey guys,

I was just chatting with Yaywon about the Auctions.

She doesn't have time to officially close all of them, so assume your last bidder is your winner unless it is still obviously going on I guess! Anyway, discuss amongst yourselves. If you want to discuss on this post that's fine with me too!

Personally, I'm considering Naoya with Yuuri, Eddie with Euphie, and Reid with Anissina now. y/n?

Oh, and of course, Kurogane just opened. I think everyone else has a date.