22 February 2010 at 03:56 am
Oh hai ♥ Keli (Lenalee/Kaito/Ritsuka) again with character #4, this time Neku from TWEWY.

In the fabulous words of BB, he's a walking bruise of purple/blue/black/...orange. He likes graffiti and having mushy monologues. He's coming in post-game so he won't be as emotastic/antisocial as he could be~ but he will be as blunt as ever and will probably make many :| faces at everyone here once his restraints come off.
It sure looks like we could use more vampires
22 February 2010 at 06:00 am
Johnny Rayflo
So I bring you one!

...This is Kathrine, and when I said I would be bringing a new character soonish...I hadn't originally intended this soon. But when you have an app almost completed sitting on your drive, you get itchy fingers and an otouto that enables you.

So say hello to Johnny Rayflo from Vassalord! He is a formerly human vampire, but he's been around for since the middle ages (much older than you Spike!), and therefore also he has been around the block more than once...take that as you will. He has a sexual pull, which if your character is so inclined, they will probably be affected by. He's not on par with Vampire Knight pureblood pheromones, but tends to get that "Oh Pretty" reaction from quite a few people.

If you are a cute, adorable kiddy-type, then be warned. Johnny will most likely want to give you a man-version of Lady Cheri's boobsquishes and dress you up into cute clothing.

Johnny will have some issues with not being allowed to have sex. This is something he enjoys and is used to getting (except from Chris...>>), so expect a vampire who will not mind making people think about sex a bit more regularly. He and Sentience may have to have a talk about these silly no-sex policies~ ♥
*crouch of the wild tiger*
22 February 2010 at 07:24 am
I am so sorry for how slow I've been. Again. -_-; I'll try and fix that up soon.

And also finish my app. orz

So yes. Things.

- Lauren
(Cielo, Deidara)
Character hiatuses
22 February 2010 at 09:43 am
Gino Weinberg
Bandwagon -- kind of. I'm still distracted and out of it and in pain every night, but Lelouch and Allen have important things coming up and they're going to stay as active as ever!

But I will be putting Gino and Roxas on hiatus for a little bit until I am back on my feet from face aching and filling getting.

I will continue to wrap up their older threads and anything auction-related that needs to be done, but I'm not making new tags/posts with them unless something important occurs.

You know, other than our one year anniversary plot event coming up. ♥
22 February 2010 at 09:59 am
Tieria Erde
I have no idea where that came from.

Anyway, in my user profile for this journal, I think I finally finished everything... permissions, contact, HMD, plotting, etc. Feel free to poke at me with them, especially permissions.

didn't totally gank the second half of permissions post from Ribbons-mun... not at all...
Mood: accomplished
uu hiatus.
22 February 2010 at 10:10 am
yeah. um.

it's going to be an extremely busy and rough week. i'm really hoping it'll just be between now and through the weekend. we will see.

;_; uh, sorry for calling one again so close to the last.

see you, guys. ♥
Slowaitus to Hiatus FYI
22 February 2010 at 10:18 am
Good morning lovely peoples!

Just a head's up that I'm kind of swamped at work and home right now and while that's never stopped me from RPing before (though maybe it should XD), I'll be scarceish online, slowish on tags and not doing much re: new stuff for this week. I'm also going away for the weekend, so I'll be on mostly full hiatus from 2/26 until 2/28. My email's on the taken page, if anyone really needs me. ♥
Mood: busy
Who doesn't love genderbenders?
22 February 2010 at 10:33 am
Hey guys! I bring you Ashura-ou from Tsubasa Chronicles! And no, not the Ashura-ou that does a mind-f*** on Fai, the one that originally came from RG Veda and was in the early chapters before everything got angsty.

As a note Ashura is HIGHLY social. Social butterfly, and all other terms that apply to that. He is aware he looks like a girl, but considering that CLAMP is usually good about giving grown women breasts and that he is referred to as 'he', 'him', and 'King' I have chosen to play him as the male aspect. I ask that everyone please respect my personal choice in this, because I know that there's a point of contention on that with him either being non-sexual or female to some other people. But back to the point. He knows he looks like a girl, and quite frankly he's not going to correct you until he has to. :) So in other words, he likes teasing and messing with other people, lulz. And like Johnny, there will be that frustration about no sex and might join Johnny in that talk with Sentenience.  :/   He's in his prime in his world!

And please do not make him angry. Ashura doesn't like being angry. It's not good for the karma and he'll kick your ass royally if he has too. Hard to beat a guy who's been fighting for some 200+ years. Other than that anyone and everyone is free to talk to him, he'll indulge most questions, question you right back, and then proceed to tease. 8D He likes making friends ~

On a side not, this will be my second character, the first being Setsuna F. Seiei from Gundam 00.

Enjoy Ashura!
22 February 2010 at 01:45 pm
Sort of took an unprompted hiatus for about a week there, sorry about that! I kind of lost motivation and forgot to post. But I'm back now! What did I miss?
[PSA] Auction threads still going!
22 February 2010 at 06:51 pm
Maya Fey
Just a little Public Service Announcement!

While a number of auctions have completed, quite a few auction threads still haven't been completed, and some auctions have very few or even zero or one bids.

Make sure to go back and have a look if your character(s) would be interested!
22 February 2010 at 07:33 pm
Oh god what am I doing.

HI THERE GUYS. Fort's back again with character number 3! Or 5. If you count Akgido as three.

Meet Gatomon! As you can tell by her name, she's from the dub of Digimon Adventure/Adventure 02, and as such will not respond to the name of Tailmon. The first person to app a subbed DigiVenture muse will confuse her so much l3

She'll be pretending to be a normal kitty for awhile, but don't worry, she'll open up eventually.

Here's hoping I don't fail
22 February 2010 at 08:36 pm
Soooo.... I hate that I'm doing this when I've only been around for such a short time, but! I'm gonna take a little hiatus, as real life is currently kicking my ass all over the place. RL drama and all that, but we won't go into that. Hopefully it should only be a week or two and things will be settled. I'll have Yosuke-mun here to keep me updated on things, and if anyone needs or wants me for anything, let her know and she'll get the message to me (because she loves me like that ;w;). Thanks and I'm so, so sorry for being lame and leaving things hanging. ;w;
22 February 2010 at 09:38 pm
'yo marina i see that onslaught of noobies and imma let you finish but everyone should pay attention to me now

Now that I've got your attention.

hihi everyoneeee my name is china and i used to play here a long time ago but i didn't survive the inksome hike so
did that ruin your dignified opinion of me i'm sorry

ANYWAY there is my useless banter quota on to other things
like i said my name is china and i just got here and with me i bring mariya shidou from maria holic

hey anon baby are you still following me ♥

i'm sorry to anyone i might have offended with my original message
that was not my intention, so here's my apology
thank you kind anon for pointing out my blatant dickery, and this is for you ♥
i meant no disrespect to you or anyone else

anyway for future reference i would appreciate if you were to let me know if i had rubbed you the wrong way, rather than sitting to seethe in your own little circle or trying to get my attention through a community i'm not even a part of

i am deeply sorry for offending you and also sorry to marina for tarnishing your good name and uhhh sorry to anyone else who was offended
that's all thank you
combo breaker?
22 February 2010 at 09:58 pm
I'm going to tentatively come off hiatus for now, and see how this week goes. Thanks for all the concern and care, guys.