12 October 2009 at 02:07 pm
Hi, I'm Snook. And this is...me just coming into the game (although I was around for a bit back when the game was on inksome as Jack/Tyler from Fight Club).

And this is Michael Scofield (from the beautiful show Prison Break), who will feel...slightly at home here. If not only due to the sirens when they come on.

If anyone needs to get ahold of me for any reason, my AIM is rusted barrels/a wild snook (oh yeah, I usually have an away message up, but it's a lie 99% of the time), and my e-mail is sososnook@gmail.com. And that's about it. I hope we will all...roleplay beautiful things together.
[Intro] Euphie [Drop] Cornelia
12 October 2009 at 03:48 pm
Euphemia li Britannia

This is Haunt (Yuuri, Spike, Kitty) and I have just picked up Euphemia li Britannia (Euphie) of Code Geass *Happy music* which means I'm also dropping her sister, Cornelia. *Sad music* For something a little different I've decided to bring her in BEFORE she was geassed. She will have no memories of ever being in Marina before.

I think my Cornelia stuff is all wrapped up, but if I've gone crazy and need to finish a thread real quick somewhere, just point it out.

Now I need to buy her journal and upload more non-porn icons since I was using this for erato a bit... *cough*
+1 fabulous
12 October 2009 at 05:51 pm
HI! I'm Levy bringing you prince fabulous himself, Shnitzel er Schneizel. I got a request from the app this plz meme over on LJ and this place is known for it's fantastic CG crew, I hopefully won't bring this fine cast down I aim not to! I've been playing him for over a year and yeah, fun times.

Uhm he's got quite a few billion crimes not even joking. Like mass murder, being a manipulative bastard, and treason...TWICE! I could go on but the list is ridiculous and I'd feel like I'm rambling, lol. ):

Anywho you can contact me on my AIM distopianflux or MSN solarsunfish@hotmail.com I hope to have a wonderful time here and it's a pleasure to be able to play with you all~

now someone go app Kanon