[Child Event]
11 October 2009 at 11:22 am
Marina Asylum Mods
The child event is beginning! Bear in mind that it is currently very late at night so your characters are probably asleep; most people probably won't be chiming in to go "Hey why am I tiny!?!" until Monday.

This is an optional event wherein some characters will physically revert to an age around 8-10. We encourage characters to not all feel obliged to be tiny. There's gotta be some tall folks around to mock/cuddle the tiny ones.

OOC Info: What happened is that someone (cough) hacked the dimensional stabilizer and attempted to manually set his own age to 10. But the dimensional stabilizer is tricky, and it affected a bunch of people randomly.

As of right now, characters have only changed physically: If they're a vampire, they're still a vampire; they retain all their memories; etc. However, their brain chemistry will be around ~9ish, so they may be more temperamental, have shorter attention spans, be more egocentric, be less cooperative, etc. Whatever you think is normal for a 9-year-old.

Midway through the event, Sentience will make an announcement informing everyone that a secondary error has occurred, and in attempting to fix the problem, it was compounded. Now some people really are children: essentially, it's as if they were brought to Marina when they were 9. They have no memories outside of their childhood memories, and they no longer have whatever powers/changes happened to them as adults. This complication is also completely optional; you can have your character be a child and still not suffer the complication, or you can have your character not be a child and then they suffer the complication and become tiny.

The event will end on a Monday Sentience announcement.

P.S.: If you are tinified while restrained, the restraints will resize themselves.
Permissions Post!
11 October 2009 at 09:02 pm
Charles "Chuck" Bartowski
In Chuck, Chuck has a little secret: he's the Intersect. This means he is a walking receptacle of U.S. government secrets. He downloaded an email from an old friend and this email happened to include thousands and thousands and thousands of encoded images. Chuck's memory is exceptional. He saw and remembered every image. When put together, they make up all the intelligence the U.S. government has collected, ever. (Shhhh, this is TV.)

Chuck just got a glimpse of Marina's databases, in a very similar fashion. :)

This is going to affect his interactions with many Marina...ers. Because something someone says, or does, or just them in general will cause Chuck to "flash". And once the flash is over, he will know very key pieces of information (anything Sentience knows -- a.k.a., what's in your app -- he's potentially been exposed to).

What Apa needs to know is: a) if you don't want Chuck to know your character's secrets, and b) if it's okay for him to have your data, if there is anything you don't want him to know. (The data transfer was not complete and there may be patches of info Chuck didn't get.) Because the woobie has a tendency to babble, especially when afraid. Your character's secrets might not stay between you, him and Sentience. (If anyone sees him do this in person, he goes semi-catatonic while still standing, eyes rolling back in his head, for however long it takes the data to compile.)

So! Please use the comments to help me out. :)

Clarification: Flash triggers can essentially come from anything. Murata mentions Kamui's a vampire, and Chuck can find out about Kamui and Fai. Or C.C. posts, and says something cryptic that makes sense to nobody, but Chuck will get triggered.

This is also why Chuck hates being the Intersect. ^__^