The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

December 31st, 2013

Art: Fairy Snape and Lupin, by Jazzy2may

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Title: Fairy Snape and Lupin

From: Jazzy2may

Summary: Fairy Snape and Lupin, enchanted mushrooms, fairy lights and sparkles

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Genres: Humor

Artist Notes: I started out thinking fairies and wished to follow the prompt to the letter. I searched for all kinds of plants and mushrooms for inspiration for the Fairies picture and then the art had its own mind, so I went more simple - abstract and impressionism.

I have a drawing of Severus as a pixie/fairy type with impression style grass, holly bush, and a purple poison flower - I think wolf-bane. Then I decided to do a manipulation that had the flowers and glowy mushroom and tiny little Lupin hiding in the holly/mistletoe. ~_^

And then I thought about another prompt from a while ago and decided to make a third submission. Remus Lupin and Severus Snape under mistletoe - called simply Mistletoe again a more impressionistic/expressive cartoonish style, which I think came out fairly well.

Gloomy Snape and abashed Lupin; such a cute pairing! ^_^

Prompt: Art #12 - Fairy Snape and Lupin, enchanted mushrooms, fairy lights and sparkles

December 3rd, 2012

Art: DS9 Snape, for rkold

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DS9 Snape, for Rkold

From: Jazzy2may

Summary: Art Prompt: Severus and Remus fused into Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, again other characters optional.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

This art is intended for the recipient only; please do not take or use it for icons, wallpaper, or any other form of graphics.

December 30th, 2011

Art: "Snape's Apothecary Extraordinaire!" for bonfoi

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Snape's Apothecary Extraordinaire! for bonfoi

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Prompt: 1) ART: Advertising poster a la 1920 Art Nouveau with phrases like “Snape's Laconic Tinctures: Try one, you won't be raving for days.” or “Snape's Todger Toffy: Smear it on. Rub it in. Enjoy the Sensation!” or “Reinforce Your Slytherin Tendencies With The Brew That Is True ~ The ale that makes Gryffindors pale, Hufflepuffs cringe, and Ravenclaws stupid!” Remus is the model for S. Snape, Apothecary Extraordinaire.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Warnings: none

Notes: I did a lot of art for this partly because I loved what I found of Art Nouveau on the web, which jarred my distant memories of college Graphic Art courses, and so I did a lot of experimenting and loved several of the pieces and couldn't decide which ones not to include. I enjoyed very much creating them and I hope Bonfoi and anyone else who sees these posters will love them as much as i do! ^_^

Mod note: Bonfoi, your Santa made you two gifts, but due to various circumstances I was not able to post them together on the same day, so today is part two. Enjoy!

December 29th, 2011

Story: "Moon Magic" for bonfoi

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Moon Magic for bonfoi

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: It takes more than an AK to kill a werewolf: so little is known about the curse itself, or how it affects offspring and wizards under its power; this ignorance is why those so cursed are so feared. Severus is about to learn first hand the magic of the moon.

Rated: Gingerbread and Cocoa (PG)

Warnings: mpreg

Notes: Bonfoi requested: AU; Darkish!fic (more Grey); Magical; Romance ~ Remus Lupin digs his way out of his grave days after being interred. I hope all who read this will enjoy it and I hope Bonfoi likes it. Thank you for letting me participate in this year's Snupin Santa!

Word Count: 2,949
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