The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

July 12th, 2008

Fairy Tales Challenge : Fanart : DisEnchanted

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Title: DisEnchanted
Author: [info]nepenth
Rating: PG
Challenge: Fairy Tales Challenge (sorry for the very late entry!)
Summary: severus is not quite known for his naiveté nor breaking out into disney themed song lyrics.
Disclaimer: not mine, just borrowing.
Warnings: crossdressing.

Click here to view larger )

July 8th, 2008

FIC: Rabe und Wolf, PG13

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Title: Rabe und Wolf
Author: Rosy
Rated: PG13
Challenge: Fairy Tale Challenge
Disclaimer: The Potterverse does not belong to me, and I do not make money off of it. More's the pity.
Summary: There once was a puppet who wanted a heart
Warnings: AU, somewhat dark
Notes: ...this is what happens when you watch Princess Tutu, read too many Grimm’s Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson, and then find out there's a Fairy Tale Challenge going on at Lupin_Snape.

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV

Part IV )

The End.

June 23rd, 2008

Fairy Tales Challenge: A Wolf's Heart, G

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Title: A Wolf's Heart
Author/Artist: Story by [info]lore, art by [info]dianamoon
Rating: Art and Story, G
Challenge: Fairy Tales
Summary: There's magic in a child's innocence and a loving heart.
Disclaimer: They may not be my toys, but I take much better care of them.
Notes: ~850 words. Thank you to betas [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]arionrhod and [info]ellid. Any mistakes or irritants remaining are my own. This story started as a lark in the community chat room, but it has been refined and expended since then...which means you have to read and review all over again, lassies! My deep thanks to [info]dianamoon, who was so inspired in chat that she produced the illustration at the end of the story.

Once upon a time )

art and bonus 'footage' )

love, lore

ETA: EEEEE! Look what [info]dancingskeleton drew: The Maaajeeek moment! (not entirely safe for work) Tell her what you think of it here.

June 12th, 2008

Fairy Tale: Red Riding-Hood, PG

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Title: Red Billowing Riding-Hood
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crack, cross-dressing
Challenge: Fairy Tale Challenge :D
Summary: Red Riding-Hood knows not to talk with strangers. But the Wolf is not really a stranger...
Notes: I wouldn't try to write a fic so I just modified a version of the story (and it's still a sad attempt, feel free to skip it).

story )

illustration )

FIC: Rabe und Wolf, PG13

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Title: Rabe und Wolf
Author: Rosy
Rated: PG13
Challenge: Fairy Tale Challenge
Disclaimer: The Potterverse does not belong to me, and I do not make money off of it. More's the pity.
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a puppet who wanted a heart.
Warnings: AU, somewhat dark
Notes: ...this is what happens when you watch Princess Tutu, read too many Grimm’s Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson, and then find out there's a Fairy Tale Challenge going on at Lupin_Snape.

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV

Part I )

June 2nd, 2008

Monthly Challenge: Fairy Tales! + Moonshadow, Housekeeping

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First off, thanks to everyone who participated in the Dark Side of Snupin challenge last month! I'm sure Lee is going to pull together a masterlist, but if you're running behind, it's not too late to slip some darkness in to make the list, so don't be shy.

Meanwhile, it's time for the rest of us to shake off the shadows to tackle our June Challenge:

Fairy Tales!

For our purposes, you could produce adaptions of existing fairy and folk tales or create an original tale. Creations may depict traditional fairy tale styles, such as in the prose or art style, or elements from fairy/folk tales may be used in a contemporary way.

Any and all creative and academic pursuits with a Snape/Lupin focus are always welcome for any monthly challenge. Some examples of what you might consider creating: Art, stories, drabbles, icons, photomanips, thematic lists, paper dolls, essays, discussions, sculpture, craft projects, etc. If someone would like to start a casting post on the group (which HP characters you'd cast in which roles for Cinderella, for example), maybe someone who's wanted to participate more actively but doesn't have time for other creative pursuits(?), please feel free!

The deadline for submissions to the challenge is June 30. However, if you find you're running late, remember that you're always welcome to post a submission to any previous challenge at any time. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I can't wait to see all your once upon a times!

I've talked about OpenID before and linked it to the profile pages of both Lupin_Snape communities. I get the impression most people aren't using it. However, if you would like to use it and are having trouble, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. This is the last time I'm going to mention OpenID. We'll be relying on people to read the community profile page, which everyone should read before joining the community. ~_^

Now that [info]pervy_werewolf's Lusty Month of May is over, as well as the Dark Side challenge, it's time to remind everyone that anyone can auto archive fic at Moonshadow. I believe art can be archived there by emailing the pieces to the site administrator, but fic is archived instantly.

Moonshadow is the archive dedicated to Lupin/Snape, maintained by [info]xochiquetzl and several volunteers. Anyone can archive Lupin/Snape pieces at Moonshadow. Writers don't have to create an account or go through a process - just use the interface and see your fic on the archive. Any fic length is accepted (100-word minimum) and all ratings of fic and art as well.

ETA: Artists! [info]bronze_ribbons has given details on how to have your art archived on Moonshadow below.

Mod to-do list:
Put Up Masterlists. Yes, I have a few (more) backlogged.
Edit Links Lists on Both comms.
Put Lupin_Snape Mood Theme on IJ.
Funtime Book (oy!)
Am I forgetting something? The list is shorter, I swear!

And that's it for now. Have a fabulous June, everyone! *loves wonderful community members*

love, lore
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