The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

November 25th, 2011

I'm in chat...

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Goofing off, recovering from the food coma that was yesterday and threatening to actually write something (unlikely as muse pulled a runner on me ~ a week ago, but a girl can try). Feel free to pop in and keep me company if you are so inclined. I'm kicking around the idea of doing another drabble/drawable night soonish, if you have any special requests for days or times let me know. :)

November 18th, 2011

I'm in chat...

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No special occasion, no topic planned, just going to be hanging out while I work on a few stories and I love to have company while I do so. :) I'm more than willing to help nudge people who are working on their own things as well or merely keep them company as they write. Feel free to pop in! If you need help getting into chat just reply here, I'll talk you in. :)

November 6th, 2011

Random Drabble Night!

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Come one, come all, random Drabble/drawable night is upon us once again! Pop into chat to either play or watch, all are welcome! if you don't know how to get into chat or you are having difficulties just comment below and we will talk you in. :D

October 30th, 2011

Chat, Decade of SSRL and SnuSa Deadline Reminder

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I'm going to be in chat all day today and a number of people are already hanging out there so feel free to join in! :D The decade of SSRL challenge officially ends at the end of this month (tomorrow) so if you haven't posted and tagged something this month get a move on, you don't want to stumble on the last month! On a related note: the SnuSa deadline for newcomers is fast approaching (November 1) and the deadline for returning players isn't far behind (November 15). If you are suffering from writer's block feel free to pop into chat, we can frequently get you going again. :) Please ask for an extension if you need one sooner rather than later so the mods don't think you've disappeared on them.

October 22nd, 2011

Drabbles from Drabble night

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Title: My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawble Night
Summary: Four "drabbles" written in chat for the monthly Drabble/Drawable night.
Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste!
Rating: G-pg
Warnings/kinks: Un-betaed, "It Lies" has an angst warning
Author: [info]azure_rosa

My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawable Night )

Drabble/Drawable Night Reminder!

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Drabble/Drawable night will officially start in ~ 2 hours. Feel free to show up early, if enough people do we will kick off before schedule. If you have trouble getting into chat leave me a comment, I'll make a point of keeping my eye on my emails. :D This counts for the decade of ssrl challenge and it is the final month people! Don't stumble now, you can make it! :D

October 20th, 2011

Drabble/Drawable Night Announcement!

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This Saturday at 4 P.M. Pacific time (7 Eastern) I am holding the (nominally) monthly drabble/drawable night! All are welcome in chat whether you intend to participate or cheer just on the players. Remember: drabbles or drawables written or drawn for drabble night and properly posted and tagged on the comm after count for the decade of ssrl challenge! It is the last month of the challenge people, don't fall down now, you can do it! :D If you have questions, drop me a line and I'll be glad to help! :D

October 19th, 2011

Three chat fics to make you laugh [G; PG13; G]

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Le Chat Slytherine

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: Even the Heads of Hogwarts Houses get testy.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 280
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance; Humor
Warnings: uber-cuteness?
A/N: [info]lupin_snape chat fic for [info]snapealina from this past weekend.Work has been a bear, and in order to blunt its teeth, I polished my three offerings that had folks grinning a bit.

Severus Snape purred? Really?


Swoon Lake

As the participants of [info]lupin_snape chat came to call it!

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Summary: Severus and Remus will do anything for Teddy.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 240
Genre: Alternate Universe; Family Time; Humor
Warnings: Pure, unmitigated Schmoop
A/N: Distraction chat fic for Rhith. I’m glad I, and Wolfie and Shadowycat, could help ease your night a bit. Edited a bit to make better sense…maybe. Please visit Shadowycat’s Swoon Lake, where I got my own title. I’m so glad I inspired such art! Severus is such a…well, you should read the story, hm?

Severus and Remus will go to any lengths to make Teddy happy. And if Severus gets to show off his legs, who are we to quibble?


Sailing Away

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: There are strange doings at the Lupin house…and they can be blamed on a Weasley!
Challenge: none
Word Count: 160
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance; Pre-slash; Humor
Warnings: Don’t drink anything you can snort?
A/N: The third and final Lupin_Snape chat fic from Sunday night’s romp. Many thanks to everyone for indulging my love of extempore writing. Now, all Wolfie and I need are pictures of Severus in that hat!

Sailing, sailing, over the briny sea...A Snape in a boat, a wolf on deck...


October 16th, 2011

Chat tonight??

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Hello, folks.

Once again I'll be in chat tonight--Sunday--starting from 8:30 p.m. Easter Standard Time. Think New York, New York, USA time.

Throwing around ideas, whining about writer's block, and being supported by the lovely folks of [info]lupin_snape

Drop in, stop by, confabulate, and even be amused...

Gift Fic: Hot and Bothered [R]

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Hot and Bothered

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: In the heat of the moment, Remus takes charge and handles Severus.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 331
Genre: Alternate Universe; Romance
Warnings: Some cussing; Partially-clothed Sex
A/N: Written during [info]lupin_snape chat to cheer up [info]midlagedfangirl. Edited for coherency and posting.

Whoever said travel broadened the mind didn't know what they were talking about, at least in Severus' opinion.

October 15th, 2011

In chat...working on SnuSa and other works...wanna visit?

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Hello, folks!

I've gone into chat as I work on my Fest pieces. You're more than welcome to stop by, drop in, visit, or just snag an "ebil" plot bunny from the farm.

Virtual cookies (biscuits) and milk (or tea) available.

~ Bonfoi

September 25th, 2011

Chat anyone? Working on SnuSa and other ideas...

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If anyone wants to meet me in chat, I'll be there soonish, like 9:50 p.m. EST.

SnuSa or any other Snupiny Good stories folks are working on...or just a [info]lupin_snape bit of camaraderie!

September 10th, 2011

Anyone care to visit in chat?

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Howdy, folks!

Just wondering if anyone would like to be a sounding board, a muse, or just a general idea-generator tonight? Working on a couple of fests and one fic just for myself. In other words, distract me, enlighten me, entertain me. *grin*

It's 20:19 Saturday night (that's 8:19 p.m. EDT). I'll be here for a couple of hours at least.

See you, lovelies!

August 22nd, 2011

Bonfoi and I wrote chat fic...

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Prompt: Remus, retired at 75, and enjoying the fruits of his books, written under the nom de plume JKR, finds an old tabby on his doorstep. He thinks it’s Minerva and needs help returning her to human form. Enter Severus, snarky senior consultant for the Unspeakables.

Authors: [info]azure_rosa and [info]bonfoi

Warnings: at least mildly crack!fic? primarily dialog fic, but not exclusively. Very much comedy of errors and written entirely in the Lupin_Snape chat room, unbetaed aside from yours truly so all remaining mistakes are mine.
Bonfoi and I wrote chat fic... )

August 19th, 2011

Deadline Looming: In chat for all your Snupin Santa and Lupin/Snape needs

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Snupin Santa sign-ups end Monday, so it's time to get your sign-up in! I'm in the chat room now, and probably will be into the wee hours.

Chat info is on both IJ and LJ's community side bars. There's also the mod mail, and a check of my LJ profile will get you my YM info, so if IRC chat isn't for you, you can still get some prompt brainstorming help. I am still working on our BLU, so if you don't get an instant response, please wait a few minutes and I'll come up for air. ^_^

If you just want to hang out in the room, that's cool, too. See you there!

love, lore
Expect these posts to be deleted just to keep the community from being cluttered with them.

July 31st, 2011

Drabbles from Drabble/Drawable Night Pt. 2

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Title: My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawble Night
Summary: Two "drabbles" written in chat for the monthly Drabble/Drawable night.
Pairings: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: If you think any of these characters are mine please tell me what world you live in so I can move there posthaste!
Rating: G-pg
Warnings/kinks: Un-betaed
Author: [info]azure_rosa

My Drabbles from Drabble/Drawable Night )

July 30th, 2011

Drabble/Drawable Night Reminder

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Drabble/Drawable night (part two) starts in half an hour. As always feel free to show up early! :D

July 29th, 2011

Drabble/Drawable Night Reminder

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Drabble night (part one of two) officially starts in just under 2 hours. Feel free to show up early, if we get 4 or more people before the official start time I will start early. :)

July 27th, 2011

Drabble/Drawable Night Announcement

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Ok, I'm doing another two-fer this month. This Friday 7 P.M. Pacific time (10 P.M. Eastern) and Saturday 10 A.M Pacific time (1 P.M. Eastern) I am going to be running our monthly Drabble/Drawable night in the Lupin_Snape chat room. Please feel free to pop in and play or even just cheer the players on! :D Also drabbles or drawables written for drabble night and re-posted to the comm (appropriately tagged as such) do count for the Decade of SS RL challenge.

July 12th, 2011

Hanging out in chat and some questions

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I'm going to be writing and hanging out in chat for the next six hours or so if anyone wants to pop in and keep me company. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions or requests for drabble night times or content. I was thinking lore sometimes gives us a monthly theme and we could do a drabble or two in response to the current months' theme or even make up our own theme. Also are there any requests for days and times for drabble night? Weekends usually seem to work best for everyone, but I can host them pretty much whenever. Should I go back to having two drabble nights in a row (one in the A.M. one in the P.M. my time) to make it easier for everyone who is interested can play?

July 11th, 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 US Premiere Live Red Carpet in NYC

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I'm going to be in chat while this is going on, squeeing like an idiot no doubt, so feel free to join me! :D

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 US Premiere Live Red Carpet in NYC

Monday July 11 on summerblockbusters - 5:00pm ET | 2:00pm PT

May 31st, 2011

In chat, Lmom is nearly over, Drabble night and A decade of ssrl

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I'm going to be in chat all day today, writing my last day of LMOM! *throws confetti* Assuming I don't crash today I made it the whole month! :D Some people have already posted their last piece and I'd like to congratulate them on a job well done and to thank the mods for putting all the time and effort it takes to run such an event yet again for the enjoyment of all. I plan on posting my LMOM piece all together on the comm either tonight or tomorrow to make it easier to follow and I highly recommend others do the same. Drabble night will be back next month sometime, I'm taking requests for date and time. I fully intended to try to do one this month, but my sanity kicked in and told me I had too much going on as is. Don't forget to post a little something for the Project: a decade of ssrl, but if you do June is make up month!

April 30th, 2011

In chat!

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Hi all! I'm going to be in chat most of the day obsessing over getting my BLU2 story just right before I submit it. Feel free to pop in and keep me company! :D

March 18th, 2011


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We've got people in chat writing and finishing up their art entrees for the BLU, company is welcome as always! :D

February 27th, 2011

Drabble night reminder

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Drabble night will start officially in about an hour and a half. As always feel free to pop in early as I will be there and if enough people show early we will start early! :D Watchers and players are both welcome!

Edit: The servers are being glitchy, but moo and zoklet are working.
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