The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

August 30th, 2008

That boy - Part 3 of 5 - fantasy fest '08 - REVISED

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Title: That Boy - Part 3 of 5
Author: Tetsubinatu
Rating: M because of the F-word
Wordcount (this part): about 1350
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Summary: Long-fic Challenge 25 -- Post-war, plausible survival scenario, established relationship (either new or long-standing). Somehow R finds out that Sirius left a child, and wants to adopt it. I like my S snarky, but not cruel. Any rating. Happy endings are best! :)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just for fun.
Warnings: none

Part 1
Part 2

read on... )

August 29th, 2008

FANTASY FEST FIC: The Secret Sketchbooks of Hebi no Komori, NC-17

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Title: The Secret Sketchbooks of Hebi no Komori
Author: Dingochow
Rating: quite NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, with a brief appearance by LL
Prompt: Short prompt #19 -- S. is manga artist. R. is manga character. Panel-breaking hijinks ensue.
Summary: summarized pretty well by the prompt.
Warning: very mild possible dub-con (if you really, really squint), monster sex (sort of), wanking, rimming, oral, anal, some role playing and fantasy play. NWS sketchbook art described. Attempts at humor. Ramen being eaten in a manner not consistent with proper table manners.

The Secret Sketchbooks of Hebi no Komori )

Fic prompt No 29

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Title: Exclusive in The Scum!
Rating: PG-15
Author: [info]blpaintchart
Word count: Only about 1000 (mercifully!)
Notes: Written for prompt No 29: "Old fashioned Carry On porn. S is at home alone when manly plumber R comes to call. Big spanner jokes please! Over 18." I owe the prompter an apology: I tried writing a proper fic, but then I realised that I wasn't really up to it, so I'm afraid you get a daft tabloid article instead. And it's not very over 18, either. Still, I'm kind of banking on the fact that if you're equating the Carry On films with porn, then you're probably not desperate for major kink or sophistication! ;)
Thanks to [info]westernredcedar for being kind and supportive as ever, and an enormous thank-you goes to [info]snapelike for trying to act as midwife throughout the messy formatting part and nasty delivery.
Read all about it in The Scum! )

Fantasy Fest Fic: God Loves a Military Man

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Title: God loves a military man.
Author: [info]skree_ratling
Rating: R
Warnings: AU; Amputation, but not in a fun way.
Wordage: 4350
Long Prompt: 18 -- Non magical AU. S is an injured soldier coming back from war. R happens to be a male nurse on the hospital S is and treats him. S is embarrassed/aroused by some of the needed "handling" R has to do. H/C, smut, they don't know each other, happy ending..
Disclaimer: Not mine. Blah blah.

A/N: Not so much with the h/c, I'm afraid, and only a wee bit of smut.

Read more... )

August 28th, 2008

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Title: Cocktails and Dreams (yes, shamelessly stolen from that Tom Cruise movie)
Word Count: ~13,700 total
Rating: PG-13? R-ish?
Summary: Severus Snape working in a bar was the last thing Remus expected, but the surprises didn't end there.
Long prompt 30 -- After the war, Remus discovers Severus working as a mixologist and seemingly into women, can he get Severus back to the other side of the pitch ?
A/N: ETERNAL thanks to my betas,[info]janeaverage and[info]inkgeist for the inordinate amount of hand-holding, cajoling, positive-vibe sending and other beta-reading related stuff. Jane is a goddess and Ink is a force of nature with a knack for naming things. Without them, this fic would have been abandoned several times.

Link to the entry over at LiveJournal

August 27th, 2008

Fic: Get Stuffed, Snape! (Snape/Lupin, PG)

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Title: Get Stuffed, Snape!
Author: [info]mnemosyne_1
Guest Artist & Iconimator: [info]dianamoon
Word Count: ~12,000
Rating: PG
Summary: Several months after the battle of Hogwarts, Severus wakes up. Unfortunately, he's not quite himself…
Prompt: S. reincarnated as Teddy's teddy-bear. How becomes human again (& L's lover) is up to you. Humor & happy ending, pls.
Betas: Many thanks go to [info]_rufus_ for the beta, and to [info]aunty_marion for both the beta and the name of the fic.
A/N: I didn't quite do reincarnation, but I hope the slight change is acceptable. The icons found here are free for the taking and use as bases - no hotlinking. Please credit Dizilla (aka Diana Moon) for the artwork, and if you use her icons as is, please credit her for icon creation. :)
Edit: Ahahaha. So apparently I was supposed to post my fic here on the comm and not just link to my journal. Whoops. The great and wonderful [info]lore has been gracious, and has allowed me to retain my link as long as I promise to post another fic her. *bows* Her wish is my command...

Get Stuffed, Snape!

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Title: Unplumbed Depths (Part 1 of 2)
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,477
Challenge: Fantasy Fest
Warnings: Mentions of chan, teenager w/teenager in a brief flashback moment, Also a bit Remus lite in the first part
Prompt: Short prompt 11. Remus discovers that Snape gets his needs taken care of at a brothel, but all is not as it seems! Happy end, 18+
A/N: Many thanks to [info]blpaintchartfor wading through this!! She’s wonderful as you well know! The happy ending and more smut are coming soon! Thanks for your patience!

August 26th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Art: Interlude (PG)

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Title: Interlude
Artist: [info]kirasha
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Remus never minded reporting on the werewolves when it was Severus waiting for him at Headquarters. And then, one night, as they mapped the growing pack territory, it finally happened...
Prompt: 30 -- Tea and fireplaces and cardigans, S and R comfortable together. Planning stragegies during the war, maybe, or lesson plans during the school year. Tenderness, hands touching, first kiss.
Notes: I tried to get as many of the pieces into the prompt as possible. I think I managed everything but the cardigan, which refused to cooperate and insisted on making Remus look like he has breasts! LOL

One night, as they mapped the ever-growing werewolf territory, it happened )

August 25th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Art : Prompt #43

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I posted this on Saturday at LJ... Sorry to all those who have already seen it and thank you for the wonderful comments!!

Title: Morning After the Full Moon
Artist: Xterm
Rating: PG
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fantasy Fest: 43. -- S & L entwined intimately with the branches of the Whomping Willow. No mustache or facial scars. Like long hair.
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, wish they did... but all the wishing in the world will not make it true
Warnings: Nope, I'm one of the queens of PG slash LOL
Notes: I realise the desire was to have them intertwined but I rationalized in my brain that Snape would be there helping Remus back from his transformation, so it is intimate but not sexual. Also, no, I did not actually take this and get assigned but I did clear this activity through [info]_lore.

Morning After the Full Moon )

August 23rd, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Long Fic Prompt #31

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Title: The Child Relic, 6&7 of 7
Author: ehmaz
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters
Prompt: 31 -- NoMagicAU, epic type adventure with sword fighting and ancient enemies fighting the stereotypical battle of good vs evil
Notes: Thanks for reading. :)

Chapter 1&2 | Chapter 3&4 | Chapter 5


August 20th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Short Art Prompt #5: He Has Been Here

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Title: He Has Been Here
Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Rating: PG for blood
Prompt: 5. -- He has been here. R nursing S after torture by Voldemort.
Notes: I adored the title. Hopefully I've done it a bit of justice.

( He Has Been Here )

August 19th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Entry 2: The Kiss

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Title: The Kiss
Artist: Karasu_hime
Rating: G
Prompt: R kissing S, based on Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss"
Artist Note: I hope you don't mind the liberties, I took! HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kiss )

Fantasy Fest Prompt: Art: Untitled, pg-13?

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Title: Untitled
Artist: Serpenscript
Rating: PG-13 for Crossdressing?
Pairing(s)/character(s): Lupin and Snape
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 08
Prompt: short art prompt - Snape and Lupin in Japan
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Warnings: Heavy reliance on anime images, crossover, cross dressing, shmoopy angst?
Notes:I feel horribly afraid posting this right after ships_harry (her artwork is so smooth and vivid!), but it's almost 5 am - I started this around 9 pm, so it's definitely not a 'short' art prompt anymore - and I want to sleep and if I don't post now I'll forget to later >_< Cookies to anyone (who doesn't frequent chat and so didnt' hear me say so!) who knows what it's a crossover with :)

I did a larger lineart piece, and then colored one portion of it. If someone wants to write something on it, I've a kissing scene I may have to draw and color as well, to go along! *g*

Linked for Size.

Full Picture


First Fanart done in Photoshop! I've been working hard to learn to use it, these past few weeks :)

FANTASY FEST: ART: His Favourite Pastime, G

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Title: His Favourite Pastime
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/character(s): Lupin and Snape
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 08
Summary: For the prompt: S in his lab, with warm afternoon sunlight streaming in a dusty window; R is watching from the doorway behind him
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters.
Warnings: Only that I failed on getting the dusty window done and the finish is a bit haphazard :(. There is a window... there is also craaaazy perspective.
Notes: I couldn't resist such a wonderfully visual prompt :). Whoever you are, you grabbed my brain with pointy nails and hung on; I think that even while I was making the short-list of prompts I wanted, I knew I was probably going to pick this one. There aren't as many details in the pic as I wanted, but I ran out of time; I do apologise for that and other flaws. Title is meant to apply to both of them :).

Worksafe picture )

August 18th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Long Prompt #24

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Title: Because It Is My Heart
Author: JadedBade
Rating: Um…I’ll just make it PG-13 until further notice
Characters: Severus/Remus, Draco—eventual threesome
Word Count: (this part) 4,556
Disclamer: The characters are JKR’s—I’m just playing with them.
Summery/Prompt: Long prompt #24—R is the leader of a werewolf pack (living like humans, please!), S brews Wolfsbane for them (other medical work/brewing a plus). New arrival of a feral werewolf, turns out to be Draco - R and S must rehabilitate him.  Any rating OK.
A/N: This has not been beta’d.   This is a postwar fic and is AU after book five. Severus never had to kill Dumbledore and neither Severus nor Remus dies in the war, obviously. Remus never hooked up with Tonks either. Enjoy!

Part One )Part Two

Fantasy Fest Art: Defending

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Title: Defending Severus
Artist: Karasu_hime
Rating: PG Violence warning
Prompt: Remus, in wolf form, protects Severus from a transformed Fenrir Greyback.
Artists notes: When I saw this, I got the image for it immediately.

Defending Severus )

August 17th, 2008

Long Fic Prompt #8: Edinburgh Zoo

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Title: Edinburgh Zoo
Author: Tayefeth
Word Count: ~3400
Rating: PG-13 for mention of animal sexuality
Warning: AU. Voldemort's horcruxes didn't work, and Sinistra is head of Slytherin.
Prompt: S & R courtship including a trip to the zoo. Bonus for one of the lads being rather knowledgeable about interesting/amusing animals. Bigger bonus for legilimens!shagging.
Author's note: All of the animal facts are out of Biological Exhuberance, which had not been published in 1986. Let's just pretend Severus got hold of the original research. Many thanks to my betas, [info]tjwritter and [info]myene01. Sorry the shagging didn't happen. There may be a sequel that covers more of the courtship and the shagging, at some point.

Edinburgh Zoo )

Fantasy Fest: Long Fic Prompt #34

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Title: Dear Diary--Part 5
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1,335 (this part)
Warnings: Sirius/Remus, realllllly bad timing
Disclaimer: JKR made 'um, I just take them out to play.
Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.
Notes: Because this fic is a journal, I'll be posting a few entries at a time. Enjoy! 

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 )

Comments are always appreciated!

August 16th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Fic: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 2/2 (R)

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Title: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 2/2
Author: [info]senjy
Character(s): Roman/Severo (reincarnations of Remus and Severus and therefore slightly OOC)
Rating(s): R overall
Warning(s): First time, Underage (17 year olds)
Word Count: 13,300 overall
Beta: Many thanks to my power triad: [info]dungeons_master, [info]inkgeist and [info]ureima.
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Summary: Long Fic Prompt 29 -- Reincarnation! The boys are given a second chance, they come back in better circumstances fifty years after their deaths. One of them remembers, one doesn't, and the one who remembers wants to act on impulses he couldn't in former life. Happy ending plz
Notes: The title and cut is nicked from a Placebo track I quite like.

Part 1

Part 2 )

Fantasy Fest Fic: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 1/2

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Title: Sleeping With Ghosts - Part 1/2
Author: [info]senjy
Character(s): Roman/Severo (reincarnations of Remus and Severus and therefore slightly OOC)
Rating(s): R overall
Warning(s): First time, Underage (17 year olds)
Word Count: 13,300 overall
Beta: Many thanks to my power triad: [info]dungeons_master, [info]inkgeist and [info]ureima.
Disclaimer: All familiar characters and situations belong to JK Rowling. No profit is being made.

Summary: Long Fic Prompt 29 -- Reincarnation! The boys are given a second chance, they come back in better circumstances fifty years after their deaths. One of them remembers, one doesn't, and the one who remembers wants to act on impulses he couldn't in former life. Happy ending plz
Notes: The title and cut is nicked from a Placebo track I quite like.

Soulmates never die... )

August 15th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Long Fic Prompt #31

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Title: The Child Relic, 3&4 of 7
Author: ehmaz
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters
Prompt: 31 -- NoMagicAU, epic type adventure with sword fighting and ancient enemies fighting the stereotypical battle of good vs evil
Notes: Thanks to boogabooga and goldenpaw for beta'ing this for me. I had wanted to put 5&6 up together but it didn't happen - my apologies for the wait. Hopefully I can get 6&7 up together and soonish. :)

Chapter 1 & 2 | Chapter 3 & 4

Chapter 5 )

August 14th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Art prompt #23 Geisha!Snape

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Title: Memoirs of a Wizard Geisha...
Author: [info]nepenth
Rating: PG
Challenge: Fantasy Fest (sorry once again for the very late entry!)
Summary: (from prompt) geisha!Severus embraced by Remus; can be erotic or romantic (or both).
Disclaimer: not mine, just borrowing.
Warnings: crossdressing! dramatic hairdos!

Click on image for full on LJ

August 11th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Long Fic Prompt #34

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Title: Dear Diary--Part 4
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2,744 (this part)
Warnings: Sirius/Remus, realllllly bad timing
Disclaimer: JKR made 'um, I just take them out to play.
Prompt: 34 -- Fic written as the journal entries of R, S, or both for a year of their relationship. Any time period is great (first war, PoA, OotP, post-war AU?). Angst, UST, complications, first time maybe...but a feel-good fic overall.
Notes: Because this fic is a journal, I'll be posting a few entries at a time.  Enjoy!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Comments are always appreciated.
Onto Part 5!

August 10th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Long Art Prompt #20: The Ugly Duckling and Swan Lake

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Title: The Ugly Duckling and Swan Lake (yup, two for the price of one!)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters. No one owns the Ugly Duckling (except possibly Hans Christian Anderson?) and Tchaikovsky's hardly going to sue from beyond the grave, bless the old fairy.
Prompt: 20 -- g-rated prompt: S is the ugly duckling that becomes a lovely swan when the enchantment is broken by a kiss from R. could also go with a Swan Lake motif, again with S as swan and R as prince

( You're a very fine swan indeed )

August 9th, 2008

Fantasy Fest Short Art Prompt #11: Leashed

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Title: Leashed
Artist: skitty_kat
Rating: PG (I suppose?)
Disclaimer: Not mine. This is just what they do while JKR is concentrating on Harry.
Prompt: Disgruntled Severus in a collar, triumphant Remus holding the leash
Notes: I think [info]snapelike is rubbing off on me. They're both wearing jeans...

( Leashed )
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