The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 7th, 2013

December 7th, 2013

Art: Mustache & Tinsel by Karasu_hime

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There will be two posts today to catch up from Friday's snow-out. First, enjoy these drawables! Santa will be back later today.

Title: Mustache & Tinsel

From: Karasu_hime

Mustache: Snape is just better at some things....
Tinsel: Trying to decorate the tree, Remus and Snape have difficulties..

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Mustache: DDO#15 - Only few people can successfully pull off a moustache and Lupin isn't among them. Severus shows him how it's done.
Tinsel: DDO#36 - Red, green, tinsel from Nimrod_9

Fiction: A Bit of Christmas Change, by Nimrod_9

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Title: A Bit of Christmas Change

From: Nimrod_9

Summary: Severus hates Christmas

Rating: Gingersnaps (PG13)

HP Era: 1998-onward: After the Second War

Word count: 459

Prompt: DDO #25 - Severus hates Christmas from Smallbrownfrog
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