The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 6th, 2013

December 6th, 2013

Snupin Santa Rec Collection!

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Hello there Snupin Lovers,

I've put on my elf hat to help Santa collect recs for all the wonderful Snupin goodies he's pulling out of his bag during this festive season.

So if any of you have loved something you've seen or read enough to rec it on your journal, please leave a comment here on this post so we can count it. If any fest piece, story or art, gets three recs, we can get it listed on the Daily Snitch and spread the Snupin goodies far and wide.

So let's pass around the Snupin love this year! Remember, the recs have to be public for them to count.

I'll be putting up reminder posts every week with links back to this post, so let's spread the word! Thanks! :D
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