The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 8th, 2013

December 8th, 2013

Fiction: Knight in Sour Armour, by Donna Immaculata

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Title: Knight in Sour Armour

From: Donna Immaculata

Summary: After rescuing him from the Department of Mysteries, Snape brings Lupin home and puts him to bed.

Rating: Holiday Spice (R)

HP Era: 1991-1998: Hogwarts Era

Word count: 1894

Warnings: Monologue fic

Author Notes: This is a writing experiment. The prompt was to tell a story in monologue-only form. It's not as porny as I was hoping for, but anything more, and Snape would have become completely OOC.

Prompt: Story #13 from Islandsmoke
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