The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

April 16th, 2012

April 16th, 2012

Fic/ Art Rec: Liberation of the Elephants by [info]snapelike & art by [info]shadowycat

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My rec @ LJ comm Crack_Broom of...

Title: Liberation of the Elephants, or How England Learnt to Love the Machine & The Clock (inspiring art)

Author: Snapelike author page @ Snupin Big Bang: Bigger, Longer, Uncut ~ Art Focus (2011) | Snapelike @ IJ | Snapelike @ LJ

Artist: Shadowycat artist/author page @ Snupin Big Bang: Bigger, Longer, Uncut | Shadowycat @ IJ

These two created one of my favorite pieces at BLU2. The sense of adventure is just amazing and the romance? Ah, the thunderstorm over my head is a clear indication of the power of it!

If you haven't already, please go and enjoy this and the other collaborations of BLU2, and, of course, the first BLU celebration.

Mod Post: Challenges April-August?, where else you can spread Snape/Lupin love....

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Arrgh! I won't go into personal explanations, but it's been a busy two months. Your overall challenge for April - June is:

Postcards and Letters

There's going to be sub-challenges to this in May and June - Dark side and 15th anniversary of first book. However, in a few days, I hope to organize an actual postcard exchange. So, feel free to get started on anything related to postcards and letters for this month, but be thinking ahead on what and how much you want to produce through June!

Also, I'd like a show of hands interested in a second round of a Remix exchange to run in July and August.

There's a fic search here that could use more help.

The Crack Broom is having a special Free-Flying month. I am guessing they might skip the normal June Free Flying month because of this change, so get a Snape/Lupin rec in for stories or art while you can. The community has created a new "collaboration" tag, if that inspires anyone.

Finally, while the Snupin LDWS has the minimum number of participants for this round, there's still room left on the participant roster. Sign up fast if you're interested, and I do encourage you to give it a try if you're on the fence. It's a good writing challenge and the feedback was always helpful and encouraging.

I encourage you all to cross-post to more than one community when posting so you can reach the widest audience possible. Lupin_Snape exists on LJ, IJ and DW (and JF and DJ, but I doubt people are looking there too often). Links are on the sidebar.

More when I get more time to breathe!
love, lore
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