The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 22nd, 2009

August 22nd, 2009

Rec: The Very Air He Breathed

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Title: The Very Air He Breathed
Author: [info]thetreacletart
Pairing: SS/RL
Rating: R
Summary: “This potion could save lives but it needed to be tested. Severus needed a guinea pig; he simply failed to tell Lupin that he volunteered for duty.”

Originally posted April 2005.

As with one of my previous recs, this story is another of the earliest Snape/Lupin fics that I ever read, and I still enjoy rereading it. It features a Snape with a gleeful, mischievous streak, and there's a hilarious scene early on where he's pranking everyone around him. His character undergoes a major transformation as a result of following Lupin around (without Lupin knowing about it), where all his preconceived notions about the Marauders and his schoolboy years are challenged. This Lupin is tired, haggard and weary, and the tone throughout the story shows the depths of his loneliness, much to Snape's surprise. But even with the slight angst, we get a happy and hopeful ending.

It's classic Snupin, and a great quick read!

Read "The Very Air He Breathed" here.

Excerpt under the cut )

Retro Fest fic: Marriage a la Mode

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Title: Marriage a la Mode, 5/5
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, implied Harry/Draco
Canonicity: this is compatible only through GoF, since Sirius Black is alive.
Summary: the Dark Lord has decided that Severus should marry and has chosen the bride. Little does he know that she is not what she appears….
Warning: mpreg, gender switch

Note: the whole story can be found here.

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Rec Fest: 3 fics, 2 arts, and a vid

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So hard picking just a couple of things to rec! And I didn't think it was quite in the spirit of the thing to just copy-paste my entire "stuff I have recced or plan to rec on Crack Broom" Word doc, even after removing the ones already recced here this month. So I decided to go for one oldie, one pre-DH, and one post-DH, and only authors who I didn't think had already been recced for something else.

Thus narrowed, I came up with the following:

Title: The Diary
Author: Josan ([info]josanpq)
Length/Word Count: ~8800
Rating: R
Summary: Lupin discovers the skeleton in Snape's closet.
Why everyone should read this: This is a golden oldie from the second round of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q-Fest (2002) that I was surprised to find hadn’t been recced here before. I really like the characterizations of both Severus and Remus, not to mention the creative twists on the werewolf curse and the roots of Snape’s hostility to Lupin.

Excerpt )

Title: Missing, believed dead
Author: [info]tetsubinatu
Length/Word Count: ~3500
Rating: R
Summary: After killing/apparently killing Dumbledore, Snape flees Britain. Dumbledore’s picture reveals the truth. Remus searches for Severus, but how can he find a spy?
Why everyone should read this: The glimpses into their tempestuous past and Remus’ struggles with those memories give this a very real, gritty feel, as does the pre-DH take on what might have happened after Voldemort, both to Snape and Lupin and to the wizarding world.

Excerpt )

Title: Unbroken
Author: [info]innerslytherin
Length/Word Count: ~9100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: If someone swears an unbreakable vow, they cannot die until the vow is completed...
Why everyone should read this: There’s something particularly enjoyable about fics that take a non-canon ship through canon events and shows how they can be interpreted in a different light. This one starts in HBP and continues through and a bit past DH doing exactly that. And, always a bonus, there’s a likable Tonks.

Excerpt )

Narrowing art recs was, if anything, even harder. So I whittled the list by focusing on artists who aren't primarily Snupin artists and a vid.

Title: Fear Makes the Wolf Bigger
Artist: [info]tripperfunster
Rating: G
Summary: When the full moon wanes, Severus seeks out Remus.
Why everyone should see this: The emotion on Snape’s face is heartbreaking, as is the pain and shame conveyed by Lupin’s posture. Often black and white can be stark, but here the artist has used a multitude of grays to surround these two dark-but-not men, and the result is both fitting and compelling.

Title: Emerging
Artist: [info]ponderosa121
Rating: R
Summary: Fantasy Fest short art prompt #26: naked and wet.
Why everyone should see this: The many possible interpretations of what has just happened and what is about to happen, the expressions on both their faces, and the sheer intensity created by the lines and shading make this an amazingly compelling piece.

Title: Glittering Clouds (direct download link here)
Song: Glittering Clouds by Imogen Heap
Vidder: [info]akemia42
Rating: PG-13
Why you chose this piece: I really like the way this vid combines HP and non-HP movie clips to build the story and the clever way it’s made to extend beyond the time frame of HBP despite that movie not even being out at the time it was made.
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