The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 21st, 2009

August 21st, 2009


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Hey kids! I'm hanging out in chat if anyone wants to join me. It's about 8:40 EST. :D

Come join usssss... we have cooookiiiiiies....

Free prompts for Snupin Santa

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[info]snupin_santa sign-ups are underway, and one of the most common problems people seem to have is coming up with their own prompts! So, each year the chat room gets together and offers up prompts that are free for the taking.

Below the cut are the prompts as well as a teaser list that might help inspire you. You may use the prompts exactly as written or you can change them around, mash them together, pick and choose your elements and come up with an entirely new prompt inspired by the ones listed here. There isn't a requirement to "claim" the prompts, however, if you plan on using one as-is, you might want to reply with the prompt so that people can decide for themselves if they still want to use it as well.

Sign-ups are here on IJ and here on LJ, and they go through August 24 (so McKay will close sign-ups sometime on the 25th; could even be Midnight).

Prompts for the taking! )

We hope this post will help! Good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to reply here to ask. I hope you'll join us for our 5th [info]snupin_santa!

love, lore

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Title: Marriage a la Mode, 4/????
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, implied Harry/Draco
Canonicity: this is compatible only through GoF, since Sirius Black is alive.
Summary: the Dark Lord has decided that Severus should marry and has chosen the bride. Little does he know that she is not what she appears….
Warning: mpreg, gender switch

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