The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 23rd, 2009

August 23rd, 2009

Chat today

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I'll be in the chat room all day today (through late evening) if anyone has any last minute [info]snupin_santa sign-up jitters or Retro Fest or other Snupiny needs. Chat room links are on the side bars of both the IJ and LJ Lupin_Snape communities. Snupin Santa sign-ups end Monday and there are bajillons links to the sign-ups on both the IJ and LJ communities.

Hope to see you in chat!

love, lore

Fic: Red Serpent (12/12) COMPLETE!

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Title: Red Serpent (12/12)
Author/Artist: [info]skitty_kat
Rating: R
Warnings: death, destruction, sex, violence, torture and a gratuitous explosion or two. Yikes.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and associated characters belong to JK Rowling. James Bond was created by Ian Fleming.
Word Count: 2100 (31881 overall)
Summary: Remus Lupin is a spy, one of British Intelligence's finest, and this may be his most deadly mission yet. Armed with only his native wit and courage and assisted by the enigmatic and magnetic Severus Snape he must penetrate deep into Communist Russia to bring down the powerful Lord Voldemort.
A/n: This fic contains illustrations, set in the appropriate places within the text. Love to [info]drachenmina for the fabulous beta.
Chapter One: M's Man - Chapter Two: A Bar With A Reputation - Chapter Three: Dinner For Two - Chapter Four: Small Spaces and Close Encounters - Chapter Five: The Howl Of The Wolf - Chapter Six: To Travel Lustfully... - Chapter Seven: Arrival At The Truth - Chapter Eight:'You Damn Traitor!' - Chapter Nine: A Cold Final Kiss - Chapter Ten: Gunpowder Against Curses - Chapter Eleven: The Serpent's Head

( Chapter Twelve: An Unexpected Pair of Boots )

Last Call!

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August 24 is the LAST DAY to sign up for Snupin Santa 2009! Sign-ups are here on IJ and here on LJ.

I probably won't officially close sign-ups until the morning of the 25th to allow full time to people in time zones later than mine, but once they're closed, that's it! You won't have a chance to participate until next year.

One thing I want to mention is that this is our FIFTH ANNUAL Snupin Santa! I began the fest in 2005 with around 55 participants. In 2006 and 2007, we had 90+ participants, and in 2008, we had 60+. The numbers will likely continue to decline due to fandom/ship shrinkage, but Snupin Santa is still going strong in its fifth anniversary year with 35+ participants signed up as of today, some returning and some brand new to the fest, and I'm pleased and proud with all the wonderful stories and artwork that have been produced for it over the years.

Here's to another fun and exciting fest season here on [info]lupin_snape!

Rec Event: 4 fic, 1 art

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Long time lurker delurking!

Can't believe we've already had more than 50 recs for this event. I'm fairly certain I'm not duplicating any, my apologies if I am!

Title: Lost Feeling
Author: Minx
Length/Word Count: ~ 10,000
Rating: NC-17
Author's Summary: After Sirius is sent to Azkaban, Remus tries to cope. Eventually Snape helps. Rock ’n roll, drugs, and sex, in that order. Very angsty. First time story. RL/SS (RL/SB implied)

This was the very first Snupin I ever read and stumbled on it while looking for Lupin in the Lost Years stories. I'm not sure why this story sticks so strongly in my mind, but I still occasionally go looking for it, several years after I first read it. This story is one of a long series, the rest of which are not Snupin.

Title: Still Life
Author: The Treacle Tart
Length/Word Count: ~ 8500
Rating: M
Author's Summary: Severus Snape takes some pictures and sees things for the first time.

The second Snupin story I read. It sticks with me due to the vivid imagery. It was very easy for me to see the photographs described by the author.

Excerpt )

Title: Methods of Suicide
Author: jedirita
Length/Word Count: ~ 7000
Rating: PG
Author's Summary: A post-final-battle fic with plenty of H/C and angst (Lupin as the comforter). Snape has little reason left to live accompanied by mental/emotional/physical infirmities, and now the holiday season and everyone else getting on with their lives is making it worse. Lupin is one of few who notices.
Warning: Discussions of suicide

A 2006 Snupin Santa entry that felt all too real. Not a cheerful fic, but ends with hope. The last few paragraphs are some of my favorite writing.

Title: A Troublesome Transition
Author: McKay and Arionrhod
Length/Word Count: ~ 62,000
Rating: PG
Author's Summary: For Severus Snape, death proves not to be the end, but rather a new beginning as he takes on the office of Death, adjusting to his new position with the help of some familiar faces and a ghostly assistant. Pre-slash. Inspired by Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series. This story is a canon-compliant Afterlife story.

A fairly recent offering from McKay and Arionrhod, this pre-slash story is a lot of fun to read and I loved the cameos of the other witches/wizards that are the incarnations.

Finally, I wanted to rec a piece of art. This piece is an illustration from a BLU story that was rec'd earlier this month: The Chemical Wedding of Albrecht Grindlewald.

Title: Art for Chapter 3 of the Chemical Wedding of Albrecht Grindlewald
Artist: Shadowycat
Rating: G

Shadowycat's art is very realistic figures drawn in pencil. (A style I've tried and failed for years to accomplish.) But really strikes me about this piece is all the wonderful detail she put into the piece. Albus, in particular, is very well done.

Mods, please let me know if this entry is missing anything that should be on it. I've never posted here before.
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